I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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i always will love you . 5 things that make you mad . 6 pictures that brings you memories . 7 facts about me . 7 Day Challenge :3 Mark's Sexy Joke (; he said , she said . I'm a freaky hoe with a sexy smile who shot a porn... Day Ten ; One confession . love ?

Saturday, November 20, 2010
1:50 PM

hey rebecca , you asked me why i love you ? 

at times , i really don't know
- you've hurt me a lot before , both physically and emotionally 
- you're a big bully 
- you hate me for no reason 
- you do weird stuff to my hair 
- you say un-nice things ( even though it's the truth , but it can offend me at times ) 
- you are bossy 
- you're rude
- you only do things you want , you don't really care about what other people think or feel 
- you make me feel ugly and dumb ( bcause you're smart and pretty )

but . 

- you can make me laugh 
- you can make me smile until my cheeks hurt 
- you can make me feel like the happiest person in the world 
- you give the best hugs ( even though you don't anymore , i really hope you do :/ )
- you make my stomach flutter 
- you give me energy 
- you're honest ( mostly )
- even when you cry , you're pretty 
- we watch asain dramas together 
- i really can't live without you , i dont know what i'd do if you disappeared one day
- we have the same interests 
- whenever i think about you , i turn into goo 
- you're special , and i know that no-one can ever replace you 
- you can cheer me up instantly
- when i'm with you , i feel all jiggly 
- i just wanna eat your face o-o ;D
- you're smart 8)
- you know how to bring a smile to my face
- when i cry , you give me a tissue
- whenever i'm with you , i smile like an idiot
- you know my secrets and i know yours . 
- we've known each other since , forever . and in that time , i haven't hated you at all . 
- you're amazingly beautiful , even though you keep denying it
- you're my inspiration
- you're still my friend even though i said things i shouldn't have 
- your smile is cute (*:
- you're an amazing friend 
- you look up to me ( even though i dont know why , im a horrible person )
- you can be perverted at times :3
- you think im awesome but really im not 
- you're crazy [;
- your laugh makes me laugh
- we're have similar thoughts 
- you're weird ( LIKE ME :D )
- i can be myself when i'm with you
- i can tell you anything
- you're ridiculously hilarious
- i love your voice
- you seem to be able to read my mind
- i just can't imagine being me without you
- i love you 

the list just goes on (:
notice how there are so many more admirable qualities ? you might not notice these qualities but i hope you will soon . this may sound stupid and shit but its true . 
you're a wonderful person , you should believe that . 

love is what you mean to me - and you mean everything <3
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