I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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I'm a freaky hoe with a sexy smile who shot a porn... Day Ten ; One confession . love ? i love this weather .[: Day Nine ; Two smileys that describe your life rig... greeen day 8) is love really worth all the hurt and pain ? duke of ed D; Day Eight ; Three turn ons SHINee yumyum ;]

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
8:28 PM
 One day im gonna shove a pigeon in your bag , and when you open it , you'll be like OMG !  -spastic face- (;
- Joyce K. <3
( Im scared of pigeons , they're just like -flapflap- and they attack you D: ) 
Ohkay , so the Aboriginal children were given rations ohkay ? They were given tea , ohkay , sugar and flour . Ohkay , alright . Any questions there ? No ? Alright . OHKAY ~
- Mrs. McAlonana 
( Me and Ananda counted , she said ok/alright nine times in 2 minutes o___o" If you're in her history/english/sport class , you should count , its hilarious (': )
-draws retarded looking chicken palm tree thing- It's a cockatoo ! 
- Mr. Abbeynarayanablahblah o-o
( HE'S SO GHEY . HE DREW THIS THINGO ON THE BOARD . and we were just like wtf is that ? LOOLOL )
Are you doing the number one or number two ? I'm gonna do number two.
- Calvin L.
( We went swimming and we were having a diving competition  , and we got two chances to do the somersault dive  , sounds like someone's poo-ing/pissing :L )
- Daphne Z.
( During Science , we were playing this game and Daphne was really close to unlocking the new character , but she said unleash instead of unlock and it sounded quite epic . :D )

\\ thanks for making me laugh , you guys are amazing (':
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