I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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69th post o-o she hates me now . and its all my fault . i want a... mental . fairytales dont always have a happy ending . love story ; this is so cute ): . . mixed feelings . Asain Parents

Sunday, October 17, 2010
10:49 PM
today was a looooong day .

mkaay , the day started at midnight . i was playing ipod games until 1 LOL 8D
woke up at 8 and started playing ipod games again until 10 . got out of bed at 10 :3
then i was on the computer fb-ing and bannedstory-ing :D
at 11:30 decided to make brunch , cooked some pizzza NOMNOMNOM .

then at 12:50 walked out to the station to pick up Carly . So we were filming for our IST video .
and yeah experimented with some lightpainting . its so cool , its like woooosh with the lights and you can see a picture (: !

anywaaaays , it was so funny when we were doing the birthday scene and we were lighting those sparkler candles . you know that ones that sparkle ? and the fire alarm went off LOLOL .
and it kept beeping and our ears were achinggg .
and chloe kept laughing even though she was meant to be the emo girl (;

and yeah spent like 2 hours doing lightpainting . had to take picture by picture and it was like 6 frames per second . so even though we took 100 pictures . it ended up being like 15 secounds ? :L
but it looked awesome in the end so (Y)
it better work ! (:<

and ended up finishing filming half the video at 8:45 x______x
so i had dinner at 9 and half studied , half fb and msn until now ;D

so now im off the lappy and im gonna go on my ipod and play fruit ninja 8D
LOL sayonara :}
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