I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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frozen memories . what's love ? - Taxi ; DBSK k3 Loving someone is setting them free ; letting them... . (: 69th post o-o she hates me now . and its all my fault . i want a... mental . fairytales dont always have a happy ending .

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
9:02 PM
sooo . after like 2 months i decided to finish 30 letters :D
ohkay so ..

Day 21; Someone you judged by their first impression .
Im a slack person , really slack . I kinda judge everyone by their first impression .
Like online while im playing Audition [ A dance game ] and im doing couple dance , i would pick the guy that looked the best .__.
and i do judge books by their covers , if the book is old and has an ugly cover , im unlikely to read it .
i know im slack , but really , would you want to talk to a person that was smelly , ugly , fat and wore the ugliest clothes ever ?
nah :p

i know i shouldnt judge but .. i cant help it D':

Day 22 ; Someone you want to give a second chance to .
no-one really . -skips- c:

Day 23 ; The last person you kissed .
i remember when you were high that day , we were sitting at the back of the bus and you were like drunk LOOLOL  . so you went crazy that day , singing so loud my ears would fall off , laughing so much you made me laugh as well and made my stomach hurt  and hugging / squishing me until i couldnt breathe :]
then you pecked me on the cheek :*)

i miss those times (':

Day 24 ; The person that gave you your favorite memory .
The times we ran in the rain , the times we sang on the bus , the times we ate ice cream together , the times we stayed on the bus and played DS instead of going to boring places in ShangHai , the times we went swimming and you were embarrassed cause you were wearing a one piece , the times we watched sad asain dramas together , the times when we made mochi together , the times we hugged and took luvohs .(:

i will cherish those times <3
thanks for giving me my favorite memories

Day 25 ; The Person you know that is going through the worst of times .
My friend _______ is in a really sticky situation .
She likes two people and is stuck in between , but both of her crushes are taken and yeah :L
Shes getting depressed and shes making me feel depressed at times too . But shes always there for me when i need her so (:

Day 26 ; The last person you made a pinky promise to .
The last person i pinky-promised was joyce :D
she's so ghey . i think it was because she promised to give me one litre of tears . that asain drama ? 8)

Day 27 ; The friendliest person you knew for only one day .
I meet all these different people online and yeah .. they're cool .
shoutouts to my bankai buddies 8)
i only got to talk to ivy , sydney and yellow rat (pikachu) for only a day . but it was nice talking to yous :D

Day 28 ; Someone that changed your life .
Dear future life changer ,
I hope you change my life in a good way ( well duh! ). I hope that you are the one that can make me smile everyday . I hope i can meet you soon (:

Day 29 ; The person that you want to tell everything to , but too afraid to .
Theres still some things i wanna tell you . But theres no point , because if i told you , i know that you will hate me forever . I think it will be better if i didnt tell you :L

Day 30 ; Your reflection in the mirror .
ew .

gonna start a new 10 day challenge tmrw c:
sayonara ! :3


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