Everytime you loosen our entwined hands,
I tried to hold onto the warmth,
Everytime I think I’ll be able to meet you,
My heart dyes with a beautiful shade.
Even the common things turn into memories when we’re together
I tried to hold onto the warmth,
Everytime I think I’ll be able to meet you,
My heart dyes with a beautiful shade.
Even the common things turn into memories when we’re together
Even your voice, even those fragile shoulders,
Even your eyes are not mine,
No matter how much I am by your side,
My feelings won’t come true unless I destroy your future,
One moment’s dream; I love you to the extent that it hurts,
But tonight is ending
Even your eyes are not mine,
No matter how much I am by your side,
My feelings won’t come true unless I destroy your future,
One moment’s dream; I love you to the extent that it hurts,
But tonight is ending
I walk the shimmering streets,
Trying to cover the times we can’t meet,
Your playful smile, after our hands had met for the first time,
Keeps reviving in my memories
Trying to cover the times we can’t meet,
Your playful smile, after our hands had met for the first time,
Keeps reviving in my memories
I want to embrace you; I want to embrace you tightly,
Yet you are not mine; my broken heart,
I want to embrace you but I cannot,
I want you to the degree that it’s overflowing, that it’s melting,
Without even being able to stop the taxi and make a promise
You wave your hands
Yet you are not mine; my broken heart,
I want to embrace you but I cannot,
I want you to the degree that it’s overflowing, that it’s melting,
Without even being able to stop the taxi and make a promise
You wave your hands
Even your voice, even those fragile shoulders,
Even your eyes are not mine,
No matter how much I am by your side,
My feelings won’t come true unless I destroy your future,
One moment’s dream; I love you to the extent that it hurts,
But tonight is ending
Even your eyes are not mine,
No matter how much I am by your side,
My feelings won’t come true unless I destroy your future,
One moment’s dream; I love you to the extent that it hurts,
But tonight is ending
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