I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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Day Eight ; Three turn ons SHINee yumyum ;] dramagical ★ Playful Kiss :D it hurts . Day Seven ; Four turn offs :3 U-KISS is duh sexy (; Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order w... Day Five ; Six things you wish you never did . Day Four ; Seven things that cross your mind a lot.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
11:29 AM

im back from duke of ed , and omg it was the worst experience of my life .__.
the weather hates me , the leeches hate me , the hills hate me , the rocks hate me , the bugs hate me , the freaky bald instructor dude hates me . D:

Day 1 ; 
The first day was horrrribleeeeeeeee . there was this massive hill and shing , being the megahypo person she is , ran and dragged me up the hill with her o-o
and it was so friggin hot cause it was a fire trail and there were no trees x_______x

after a while , we had to hike through through this rainforest-ish trail . and there were leeches EVERYWHEREEE D;
there were 3 leeches on my shoe , and since there were holes in my shoe , they were squirming on my shoe and trying to get in , omg it was so scary x:

then it started raining , the rain got harder and harder and it eventually started hailing . we had to walk through the hail and i used my raincoat to cover my bag cause i didnt want my bag to get wet so i had to walk in the hail-rain D:
it was soooo cold , and since i was sick already , it was even worse .
after like 2 hours in that rainforest-ish place . we finally got to the campsite and we were setting up our tents c:
i changed and crawled into my sleeping bag and sat there for a while :D

annie and ananda got bitten by leeches D:
leeches are evil , they inject this chemical that thins your blood so you don't feel them sucking your blood and they make your blood all runny and shiet so you keep bleeding .:L
and the leech went mega fat after leeching annie so i put it on a leaf and chucked it on a tree , away from our tent.
huhu :3

we went over to visit rachelle's cooking circle and i saw this duck/bird/pigeon thingo and it was quacking really annoyingly , it was like quack, quack, quack, quack, quackquackquackquack LOOOLOL
so i chucked a stick at it , but as usual my aim was horrible so i missed =______=
and rachelle's instructor , that bold guy with a chin piercing was like ;
baldie : hey you !
me : who , me ? o-o
baldie : yeah you , come over here .
me : - walks over .. -
baldie : why did you chuck the stick at the bird ? D:<
me : idk .. - starts walking away .. -
baldie : dont walk away , go and hug that tree
me : whaaat ? o_____o
baldie : since you dont appreciate nature , go and hug that tree .
me : are you serious ? [i thought he was joking , but he said it with a straight face T______T]
baldie : yes , go now .
me : - pats tree , walks away -
baldie : no , thats not long enough , 15 seconds
- hugs tree for 15 seconds -
baldie : ok , you can go now

after dinner [instant noodles (Y)] and the tree hugging incident we just lay in our tents for a while and then a park ranger told us that there was a huge storm heading our way and we had to move our tents cause the tree might fall on us T___T
so it was storming and we had to move our tents .

we were trying to sleep and i couldnt sleeeep . cause it was thundering like BOOOOOM ! o-o and it was raining and there were bugs everywhere in our tent . also , we had 4 people squished in a 3 man tent so it was really hot .

and yeaaah , couldnt sleep cause some people were singing and screaming a few tents away >_____>
but i eventually fell asleep and had a really weird dream which i should not mention , ever .___.

Day 2 ; 
today wasn't as bad cause it was only around 6km but it was steeper . our group was really fast :D
we finished an hour before the next group , got there at 12:30 and yeah it was gooood .

but at the end , there was this reallyreally steep hill that went for 0.5km . it was steeper than stairs and didn't have steps , just a piece of land going up . i swear if i slipped or smth , i would have rolled back down to the bottom D:

but i got up , eventually and we walked to the station . :D
but that day was really leechful , and kinda funny .

erica told me that she was talking to rachelle and she was like -
erica : i like guys with long hair , it brings out their inner beauty 
HE'S BALD :'D :'D :'D

and joyce called me at the station -
ghey joyce : where are you ?
me : im at mt. ku-ring-gai station
joyce : WHAT ? korean guy station ? (;
me : LOL NO .

and yeah . i got home after a long train trip and had a hour long bath , then i went to sleep and ate dinner at 8 :D

\\ thanks to all the people that helped and went on the camp , it was fun (once we got to the campsite and when it wasn't storming) :D
special thanks to shing (for dragging me up the hill) , annie (for walking with me even though i was really slow , and making our tent more lively and loud [:) and erica (for our lovely night in our tent ;] )

im at home atm , didnt go to school huhuhu  :3
im bloggwalking , watching drama and playing computer games :D

so byebyeeees and thanks for reading the mega long blog entry 8)
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