I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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is love really worth all the hurt and pain ? duke of ed D; Day Eight ; Three turn ons SHINee yumyum ;] dramagical ★ Playful Kiss :D it hurts . Day Seven ; Four turn offs :3 U-KISS is duh sexy (; Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order w...

Thursday, November 11, 2010
7:32 PM
today was green day :D
people were supposed to dress up as our favourite plant/animal .
no-one actually did it :L

the first period was the green day assembly . mega boringgg @____@
and joyce was like " that guy talking looks like a wombat " , and LOOLOL he did 8D
he gave a looooong presentation on how we should protect our environment , つまらなかったです :c
also , it was kinda ironic how we were meant to be saving the environment and shiet but they print like 1000 A4 stickers with shiny plastic and gave them out to everyone . o-o

i bought orange jelly with icecream at recess :]

during english , we had a period when we had to learn about weeds D:
boredom killed me again .

but after school was funny :'D
we went to buy easyway , so we were late and ananda had to catch the train with me . and guess who caught the late train ? JIMMY CHEN o-o
doesn't he sound nerdy ? 8D

well , he's actually the son of my old maths tutor . and he goes to baulkham hills .___."
and he's reaaally nerdy D:
i dont like him ... it never works when we try to have a conversation . so i avoid him whenever i see him . sounds mean but LOOL its kinda funny (:

and i was walking on the platform with ananda , and i was like " phewww ~ i cant see jimmy . woooot ! "
AND THEN HE WALKS PAST . OMFG . i was like freeze . -walks the other direction-
it was so hilarious c':

huhu , browsing kpop macros from here . found a cute onew one :D
he's so cute :3

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