I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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Friday, October 14, 2011
11:52 PM
Hello dears.
Oooh this is my 299th post, which means my 300th post is going to be the next one. I try to do special posts at every 100 posts, so yeah. Expect a long and hopefully interesting post?

Ok this post is gonna be an update on what I've been doing the past week. Well we all obviously had trials, but I did other things too. ;p

English and PDHPE trials, were not too good...
Went tutoring by myself cause Ananda decided to ditch me. ;l
My tutor told me that I had to get over 95%.
Went home and got a massive headache, showered and went to sleep... I woke up at 10, went back to sleep cause my head hurt too much to read.

Freaked out and almost cried during the maths test... I didn't remember how to do too many questions. I'd be surprised if I manage to get over 90%. If I don't I will eat my test paper. Oknotreallybutstill.
All the commerce people were studying and when they went to do their test, me and Annie walked around for a while. We walked around Kogarah and talked about whatever came into our minds. I bought lunch and we sat outside and ate. We walked to the music room and decided to borrow a guitar. She played guitar and I sang. It was lovely. Went home and freaked out studying for History and Geography.

Science and Geo test. It wasn't too bad...
I never seem to go home early, I studied history with Joyce after the Geo test on Wednesday, except Binna and Shing were there too and I didn't get much studying done...

School finished at 10 that morning cause we only had a history test (which I think went pretty well btw). I stayed at school with Annie and Shing to 'study'. Well we kind of did for around an hour in the library and in some random room. We spent the rest of the day at Maccas talking and eating... Went home and freaking crammed IST. I go to maths tutoring twice a week now, since I needed makeup lessons cause I'm going on holidays next year.... Got home at 11 and almost died cause I had a brainfart and forgot how to draw a parabola. Studied for a looong long time. Fell asleep at 2:30 cause my bed was getting so comfy and cosy... My mum came in and woke me up. Then she told me that I should be sleeping at 3. What duh fuq woman, you wake me up and tell me to go back to sleep?! Well I continued studying....

Still studying, it was about 4am when I took a break and went on FaceBook. Talked to Annie, I think we were both being weird. Lack of sleep and hungry. We both wanted luuuudoooools (noodles...). Slept at 5, got 1.5 hours sleep. Probably the reason why I'm getting sleepy now....

Bleh, went to school blah. Oh and the IST test was fuq-ed. Went to my first lesson of Physics tutoring. My tutor is just a little bit cool. Just a little. (He does look a lot better with a beard... =w=) Bleh anyway.

I'm not feeling too happy at the moment, argued with my parents for a really stupid reason. I will cry a bit tonight. It helps a lot.

Shall get my 300th post done some time during the long weekend. Hooray for no exams on Monday.

Life is pretty weird, huh?

Goodbye baby goodbye.
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