I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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Down. Kutsu. Peaches. Capital. Heart. Lace. Mania. Carrot. Rage. Friends.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
8:02 PM
Hello dearies. :3
Firstly, thanks for 14k views. :) It's nice to know that people are reading this site. C:
Here's a recount for you.

I went to the cityyy with Matthew and my bruzzah. We went to TimeZone first, the first thing I did was jump onto the Technika machine. :)
I saw a hot korean guy spazz on DDR. LOOLOL. HE WAS SO PRO. >:]
Hehehhe, played Tekken for a while, then we went to eat lunch. :)
Mappon was full, so we went to Sushi Hotaru instead. It's definitely the best sushi train I've been to. O:<
You get to play/order with an iPad. And it's not too expensive. それ美味しいです(^_^)
Heheheh, we went to KinoKuniya after that.
Blablblabla. Then we went to Capitols. 8D
I saw Eva catching fish LOLOLO. She is a bored child. :p
Gratz on winning a Domo-kun from the claw machines. ;3
Wasted some more money on claw machines weeeeeee. 
Went to Hobby Dream and bought a Kaito plushieeeeeeeeeeeee. KYAAAAAAAAAAA. ( ・ω・)
Bought a new hoody, even though it's almost Summer, I still love them. :) + I'm not gonna be here for most of January, gonna be chucking snowballs in Korea/freezing in HK and Chinar. WOOTOTOOTOTO. >:]
Bought some crepes from Mother's Crepes. THEY ARE SO NAISE. I ALMOST DIED FROM CREAMYNESS THOUGH. LOLOL. Their custard. *u*
We went back to TimeZone after that.. the hot korean guy was still there playing DDR. LOOLOLOL. I swear he was working out on the DDR machine all day or something. :')
Wasted more money on the driving car machine racing Matt and Antboy. :p
I had 43$ on my TimeZone card when we got there, when we left I had 12$. OTL
Then we went home with Matt's mum when she finished work. :)
Ditched dinner at home and ate pizza at Maffew's place. :')
Eheheh. We failed trying to pass the last level of New Super Mario Bros on Wii again. Haven't played it for too long... freaking lava kept killing us. ;m;
Played some more SSBB. Went home and watched more drama. ;)

Cleaned/cleared my whole table, it is almost empty now. :)
I made space on my bookshelf for my figurines, now they don't have to scatter all over my table. C:
+ Stuck my posters/wall scrolls up. 

Not much happened today. =w=

Photos~ C:
There was this cool rainbow thing on my wall for some reason. o-o

I stare out this window a lot. :l



@ Sushi Hotaru. :)


I don't even like chocolate, but that still turns me on. ;]


Shit, I turn myself on. ;)


I take too many luvos... >:l YAY NEW HOODY. :3

Camwhore. :C

Been addicted to these lollies for a loooong long time. x) NEW FLAVOURS KEEP COMING OUT. *w*

Found my old earings. :)

So much duh bling bling. ;)

LOLOLOLOL DORITOS. Heheh, my mum's old earings. :p

From left to right, Matthew, me, Calvin, Calvin's mum. Omg, we were so cute. :'3


Sebas-chan as a sexy pedo? Heckyes. 


Byakuran with a moustache? Fuckyeah. ;)

Took the hooks out of my old jewellery box and stuck them on my wall, I'm hanging stuff everywhere. ouo

The stack of paperwork on my table. :l


My loves. :3

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