I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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it was only just a dream. New Years Resolutions. disturbing post coming up. (: camera shyness. 11:11. o: 030111. HNW. 2NT10. [heart] OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG.

Sunday, January 9, 2011
10:50 PM

so we started off taking the train blahblah whatever, i cbb to explain the details. 

then we went to caps and took sticker photos, such a mad rush. two seconds to make 6 people swap positions LOL.
3,2,1 -snap-.
3,2,1 -snap-.
LOL. so hectic.

me and rebecca decorated the sticker photos, they look hawwt. (;
i shall scan and upload them later. 
calvin has sausage lips. horhor. (not hot.)

anways, we didn't wanna take anymore photos so we went to play the claw machines.
our prizes;
me; i won a really fat and squishy tofu from the big claw machine with 2 dollars. :D<3
i won a black gloomy bear keyring from the smaller one with 3 dollarsss. c:
but wasted like 10 on some other matchines. x:
decided to name the tofu Chii and the gloomy bear Thai. 
HAHAHA. ohk, i'll stop. .__.

calvin won a smaller tofu and matthew won two smaller tofus. :p

we went to mcity after that, they have this awesome new galaxy world there. so epic, it's hugeeee. and i finally got to play my technika, after like a wk. D:
i'm addicted. :c

ohyeah and morning glory was having a 50% off sale, bought some pens and antboy bought a kirby plushie for 5$. vely cheap. (Y)

then matthew got lost. he went missing. o__o
we spent half an hour searching for him, but he ended up going back to the caps place and playing claw machines. yep, he's addicted as well.
but he didn't tell us. so we walked around like idiots for half an hour looking for him. and he didn't pick up his phone until the 12th time we called him. =3=

but we found him in the end and then we walked to chinatown. rebecca bought some snsd cd's for steffanie. then we went back to that jap restaurant to eat. had a yakitori ramen set. oishii desu. c:

then we went to k. muahaha. we sing very nice songs aye? 
justin bieber, some old fashion chinese songs o3o;, three blind mice?!, and then our kpop. horhor. [list stolen from rebecca, i don't rmbr all the songs.]

- BoA
- SHINee
- Three Blind Mice. o__o
- 2NE1
- Se7en
- SNSD? 
- G.NA
- 2AM
- 2PM
- Justin Bieber. (calvin lovesss jb. ;D)
- Super Junior
- F(x)
- Bruno Mars
- Nelly
- Davichi
- Linda Chung
- SS501
- Taoi Cruz
- 4minute
- 8eight
- Taeyang ( LOL. RMBR I NEED A GIRL ? :D )

i was rapping (LOL almost yped raping) / singing (idk if you could call my singing singing. o__o) like a gheytard, rebecca was singing with the lyrics from her ipod cause she couldn't read korean 8), rachel was singing pro-ly. her voice is vely good. [:

and yerh. time went past very quickly. but then we had to leave cause my brother had to go tutoring. =3=

but it was a very fun day.
oh and when we got home, we played big2 and mahjong at matthews house until we went out for dinner at korean bbq buffet. very nice. :D

and now i'm at home, facebooking, blogsurfing, allkpop-ing and raping ryan's wall. muahaha.
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