I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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New Years Resolutions. disturbing post coming up. (: camera shyness. 11:11. o: 030111. HNW. 2NT10. [heart] OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. i don't even care anymore. i can care less.oh gee,...

Saturday, January 8, 2011
10:39 AM
omgomgomg i had a dream about SHiNee!
it was sooo awesome, such a yummy dream.
but for some reason, TaeYang and Kiseop were there. o__o
ohwells. :D

so i didn't win tickets to the concert (NOOOO) and for some random reason, i was at Strathfield train station. and i was sitting on the seats. then suddenly SHINee and TaeYang (wtf) appeared on the seats next to me. o__o;
TaeYang was funnny, he gave me a 30$ hotdog giftcard?!
we were joking around amd stuff. Jonghyun gave me a 30$ giftcard as well, his personality was really cute. for some reason they could all speak english. :D

then we left and we went into the cafe and SHINee + Kiseop o__o were there.
and i was like OMGOMGOMGOMG. i see them againnn. :3
and i was like spazzing. i was like can i have a signature? and they were like no, sorry. we aren't allowed to and i was like ):
then i was like can i have a hug and Kiseop gave me a hug. :D
and Jonghyun was making a haha-im-not-giving-you-a-hug face. he was really playful. (';
and then i was like can i have a photo?
and Jonghyun was like 'fineee. only for you though, don't tell anyone.' (;
and i was like thankewww.
onew took the photo with my phone and i was like kyaaa, onew touched my phoneee.

so Kiseop stood next to me, his arm was on my shoulder (*:
and the rest of SHINee and TaeYang stood next to me. onew took three photos on my phone.

and then i was like to TaeMin, you guys better come to Sydney again because i didn't win tickets this time. and TaeMin was shaking his finger at me going tsktsk. i waved my finger back amd tsktsk-ed him. then i woke up. ):

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