woke up blahblah.
then shing and ananda arrived at my house at 10:30-ish.
we went over to matthew's house at 11.
we did nothing for a while, cause matthew likes shing you see, so it was really awkward.
so then, i decided to go with matthew's mum to buy KFC and leave shing and matthew at home for a while. o3o;
we came back and had lunch. ( :
after lunch, we decided to go bowling, but matthew's mum's car could only fit 7 people (including the driver) and more than 7 people wanted to go. so we decided to walk there.
it was so hot and there wasn't much shade but after like 30mins of walking, we got there. c:
and we went bowling. 8D
i won the first game. ^ ^
matthew won the second. :p
then we spent all our spare change and coins on the arcade games. i love shooting the basketball hoop thingo. wakaka. >:D
luckily we didn't have to walk back home, cause we were all exhausted.
shing and ananda got picked up from the bowling place and then we took the car home.
played mahjong for a while then we packed up and went out to dinner at this buffet (buf fet LOL.) place.
there was an ice cream machine. -eyes sparkle-
so we had our ice cream sculpting competition, but it was kinda fail cause mine melted. .__.
quotes of the day;
me; -sculpting ice cream- TADAAA ! guess what it is? :D
calvin; -stares- looks like a boob.
rebecca; we havn't hugged for ages.
me; mhmm. x:
rebecca; -hugs- :3
me; -hugs back- omg, i'm touching your armpit. o3o;
rebecca; LOL. who cares.
me; this is awkward. LOL.
LOL. so we went back to matthews house after that and ate cake. lalala.
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