I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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BAHAHAHA. heh. :3 8( how to be korean. :3 100111. cherry's house. c: 090111. city outing. (: it was only just a dream. New Years Resolutions. disturbing post coming up. (:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
10:40 PM
i'm going to be a real bitch in this post. (:

i'm in the angriest mood right now. someone has been talking shit about me and a person i'll refer to as x.
just because you were wrong and you misunderstood, you start swearing at me. seriously? how immature can you get?
you don't even know me, yet you were swearing at me and calling me things i shall not name here.
i'm not going to stop you from swearing, everyone swears. but it's important to know when to stop.

you say you don't care if you swear. well grow up and care about other peoples' feelings won't you?
x doesn't want unpleasant comments on her photo. don't you understand? or are you really that immature?

you can call me a bitch, call me asshole, call me whatever the heck you want, it won't get to me.
but don't go blocking your friend, x because of some pointless argument.
i understand that you have opinions. ofc, everyone has opinions, but sometimes, it's better to keep that opinion to yourself.
I know, but someone can type in short cuts, idiot. 
i am entitled to my own opinion, asshole. 
I don't care if i swear. 
Gtfo or deal with it. 
oh haha, aren't you the best bitch alive, i said 

'i am entitled to my own opinion'

stop bitching.

show some respect, talking like that only makes yourself look even more rotten than you already are.

oh and to x
seriously, you'd be better off without her. if she's going to act like that and block you, delete you etc., she's not worth having as a friend.
you shouldn't cry because you've lost her as a friend. she should be the one crying cause she lost a good friend like you and made an enemy.

you didn't do anything wrong. it was probably a side of her you've never seen and never wanted to see. but it's fine. because it's better not having that friend than having a friend that would talk like that. right?

so cheer up. (:
i'll always be here to try and help you. i know my advice is crappy but you can always talk to me.  c:
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