I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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8th April 2011- Mum's bday dinner. C: Silence. HAI. BAI. 0330. oops... JIZZ IN MY PANTSSS. jizz in my pants. MOOOSTASH. insanity. Handle With Care- JRA.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
9:17 PM
i had an extremely sexy day that day. (:
went early with ananda and played technika/tekken at timezone for 2 hours, then the others turned up and we walked around for a while.
haha, shing, ananda and joyce were so un-ninja. i needed to go pick up annie from the station and they were like "errr. you guys go first, we're gonna errr, walk around here. LOL"
it's so obvious they were getting my bday present. but thanks guys<3. i love you all. (:

we went to pick up annie, then we went and ate lunch at pepper lunch. :3
i saw sexybeast rachelle and her group there. (:
i love you rachelleeeee, and thanks for the bday wish. yUu m@k3 mE L@fFF. w3 $h0uLD M@k3 bAyB3HzZZz<3. ~!~!~!!~!~

we went to karaoke after that. ;D
binna, vicky and christabel came later, so i went to pick them up. there were only 15mins left when they arrived so i sneaked them into our room. hahaha, so ninja. 8D
calvin's singing/screaming in pain makes my ears hurt. ;m;
but it was fun nonetheless, we sang heaps of JB. i think i'm starting to love him after listening to Pray and That Should Be Me. they are both songs that have made me teary. :'D
so go listen to pray and watch the MV. it's quite touching. (:

after k, we went to caps. (:
it was epiccccc. trying to squish 11 people into a caps photo = fail.
here' s the caps we took. :3

the machine made our eyes freaky and big. o3o;
just saying.

after we got home from the city, we went to some italian place. i was in a really bad mood cause it was cold and windy and there were heaps of people and we spent ages trying to get seats. something that i shall not name made me cry that night. i told rebecca that it was just pms, but i wasn't so sure it was. anyway. i shall not talk about those depressing thoughts. 

so we went to eat korean bbq, since i didn't wanna eat italian. the food was nice. C:
i forgot to bring my camera so hurhurhur, i'm stealing rebecca's photos and editing them a bit. =w=

matthew's house after that to eat cake and lurk. C:
selca timeee<3.

hair out. (: i like my hair after washing it. but after an hour or so... pewf. =3=

went home at about 11:30? and went on BBS, skype, msn, facebook, etc. :3
rebecca sent me my first bday text, sai a few seconds later. :p

thanks to the lovely people on BBS that spent midnight-2am with me, including christabel, michelle, eileen, sharon, annie, and esp. sai<3. ily all very much. :'D


new wallet i bought myself<3. i could only fit 5% of my caps photo into this tiny hole. D:<
sexy poster hang up things that shing bought me<3.
my lovely soft toys on my bed. =w=

new anna sui wallet, horny panda voice recorder. from me and ananda<3.

new clothes i bought. huhruhur, they are all monochrome<3.

vocaloid- miku hatsune doll i bought for shing. ;3
annie bought this shirt for me<3.

  • pretty necklace from shing
  • cute wallet-ish thing from shing
  • i bought myself a sheep plushie, now named supersally. -points to the photo above- IT'S FREAKING SQUISHY AND FLUFFY
  • i bought myself a sexy 0330 U-Kiss poster, it's quite big. ;D
  • plushie speaker thing from ananda
  • 200$ from matthew's mum. :3 (i spent pretty much all of the red pocket money i got already. ;m;)
  • folder and notepad thing from steffanie
  • pretty card from rebecca<3.
  • erm. some people owe me presents, hehe. kelly and erica are getting mine from chinaaar. 
so yeah. my birthday was really awesome. thanks to all the lovely people that have made it that enjoyable, i love you all<3.

oh, and thanks to all the lovely facebook birthday messages. i read them all and replied to every single one of them<3. thanks for making me smile<3. esp, ryan, kelly, mark. (:

i shall blog about the monday after that, cause i went city again that day. and i shall blog about yesterday, went to bwood and had a sexy time a rebecca's house. 

bai, lovelies<3.
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