I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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insanity. Handle With Care- JRA. friday, friday, gotta get down on friday. HAI. JOYCEKWAN, HENTAI. (; homophobia. 200311; city outing. c: Dear Rebecca. Studying = Student + Dying. PEDO.

Monday, March 28, 2011
12:48 AM
sunday was lovely. C:

slept at around 2 and woke up at 10. weee.
ate instant noodles for breakfast, then did some english tutor hmwk. :p
then i went to duh city. again. :D

went to eat at sakae, i love that place sooo much. their beef tatake is so nice.

anyway, went to timezone after that, i found erica and kelly there. :D
charged 60$ so i got 120$ in my card. DOUBLE DOLLARS<3.

hurhurhur. played some tekken with erica.
and ohmygawd. there were soo many people playing technika today. :L
they were all pro. like srsly. wtf, i thought i wasn't too noob. until i saw them. they were lvl 20-ish. i'm level 3. .__.
and since there were so many people and so many pro people, i left. :L

went to buy shoes. C:
bought a pair of grey lace-up rabens and long-ish white lace-up boots. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. THEY ARE SEXY. ;D

anyway, i walked to mcity after that. i ended up playing technika at the galaxy world at market city instead. no life.
i didn't get to play much, but at least i have 120$ on my timezone card waiting for me. C:<

i had to leave early since i had to go home and help my brother with his assignment and my dad was already pissed off at me for going 'every week'. well, i went every week for two weeks... and i'm going again in 2wks for my bithdayyy. yyaaaaay.

went to matt's house for dinner again. hot pot again. dar been lou. =w=
it was quite nice.
i went downstairs to rebecca's place after that. we were supposed to be helping her do her pdhpe assingment but we got kinda distracted. =w=

took selca's before we left; (edited by me. C:)

it's 12:47, so that means 6hrs sleep if i sleep now. but ofc, i'm not gonna sleep yet. but for blogger, i'm logging off now. byeee ~
have a nice day, lovelies<3.
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