I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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0330. oops... JIZZ IN MY PANTSSS. jizz in my pants. MOOOSTASH. insanity. Handle With Care- JRA. friday, friday, gotta get down on friday. HAI. JOYCEKWAN, HENTAI. (;

Tuesday, April 5, 2011
10:40 PM

i noticed that i havn't blogged for 6 days. sorry. :L

can't rmbr. =w=

i went to the microsoft place with ms jospe and a few other students and annie. C:
they are so friggin rich. srsly, they have a waterfall in their carpark. ;m;
they were also giving away an xbox 360, but i wasn't hardworking enough to win it. anyway, we got lectures from people that work in microsoft. and there was this pretty awesome guy there talking to us about his epic life story.
guy with the epic life;
the opposite of play is not work. it's depression.
cause his school life was horrible (no offence). his goal was 0, he didn't care about his studies at all and didn't care about his marks at school. but he was really into technology and shit. so he made this blog and then someone from microsoft saw it. they called him and decided to hire him. C:

i wanna be like him one day, he works at microsoft but he's also a photographer and he used to be a comedian. so yeah. he has a pretty awesome life. he also inspired me, except i don't wanna fail school. :U

my weekends were pretty shit, i didn't touch my laptop on sunday, studying for english and practising for cross country.

english feature article test thing. i had no idea what to write, so i ended up bullshitting two pages of shit. C:
my maths tutor. -shakes head-
i was considering doing 4 unit maths. since i decided that i wanna work in microsoft one day. but then i need to see him twice a week. ew. :L

jap test, didn't do it today. so 20% of the class has to do it during walk-a-thon on thursday. ew.
cross country. it was awful. 'nuff said.
i got an extremely shit time, but i'm glad it's over and done with.
i fucking hate our teachers, it was pouring and we still had to run. and i think i'm allergic to some kinda grass. my arms and legs were really really itchy and red after i crouched over the grass and touched it a bit. :L

rachelle, you crack me up (like an egg. [;)
rachelle: why are you wearing a shirt (jacket?)? aren't you supposed to be hot?
me: well erm, duh. cause we aren't in your bedroom making baybehs, unfortunately we are at school. LOL. but yes, i'm hot, and not the temperature way. (;
i'm joking.
it was freaking freezing. it was pouring and windy and we still had to run. so yeah. i was cold.
and kelly baby. O:
hope you have a safe trip to hongkong and asia tomorrow, i'll miss you lots<3.
and erica, my sexy wife, thanks for buying so much shit for me and shing. C:
you already bought a suitcase full of stuff for me and shing<3. hehehhehe. C:

it's also my bday in 4 days. O:
that's old. ;m;
i have so many things i wanna buy, most of my wishlist is expensib. but yesh, i shall save up. :p
  1. new laptop
  2. graphics tablet
  3. iphone 5, which i am getting when it comes out. C:
  4. dslr. ;m;
  5. friendship bracelets (nudgevictorianudge. ;D)
  6. new school bag
  7. new pencil case
  8. new headbands/hair ties
  9. new chucks. :p
  10. a jar full of paper stars
  11. paper cranes, a lot of them. C:
  12. monaaaay. $___$
i shall blog again after the walk-a-thon on thursday and after friday about my holiday to-do list. :L
sorry if i bored you with this long post. :L

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