I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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HAI. BAI. 0330. oops... JIZZ IN MY PANTSSS. jizz in my pants. MOOOSTASH. insanity. Handle With Care- JRA. friday, friday, gotta get down on friday. HAI.

Thursday, April 7, 2011
9:03 PM
wow, today was boringly epic/epicly boring? (:

yesterday, my day was made in the morning. C:
i'm going to the easter show with Sai and the other sydney dollars-ers. yeah yeah, lecture me about internet security, stranger danger and shit, but i've been talking to them for a long time now, and i'm pretty sure they aren't pedos. =w=
plus, i've already met Sai before, and he's awesome, so tis all good. &LOL, it was hilarious;

iPeekAtChu (me); Hey Sai, do you go on rides?
Silence (Sai); yeah... but i shit myself when i do.
iPeekAtChu; LOLOL, awesome. go on rides with me? ;D
L; ohlala.
Silence; haha, sure. except i'll probably kill your arm when i grasp it.
iPeekAtChu; hurhurhur, not if i kill yours first. (;
L; ooh, Sai's going on a ride with iPAC.
iPeekAtChu; coff. =w=

and we were talking about how we were gonna recognise each other, cause i havn't seen everyone's faces yet. =w=

___ (sorry, i don't rmbr who it was... =w=); we should make a poster.
me and Sai; no way... too embarassing...
____; everyone go naked! ;D
me and Sai; ...
___; everyone wear bright pink.
me; my cupboard of clothes = all monochrome. .__.
Sai; i mostly wear black...
O'chibi (christabel); LOL. dw, i'll make you wear my pink clothes.
me; ohgawd, gonna strip me on the train? D:
chibi; nah, at the eater show, more people.
me; ohbby. ;D

LOL. so the walkathon was today. it was retarded cause we were bus-ed from the school to the beach and we had to walk 10km back to school... pointless much? the bus trip there was crazy, and i feel sorry for vicky. but it's too fun torturing her... we were playing 'spotto' but not with yellow cars, it was with any cars we wanted to. LOL. in the end we ended up punching her whenever we saw a tree, a car, a person, the colour blue (sky). and yeah. LOL. sorry vicky<3.

my epic daddy had a water gun today. on the bus, she shot water out of the window and she got someone walking on the footpath next to the train. it was some woman with a baby and when the water hit her, she looked up and wondered if it was raining. LOOOLOL. joyce, you retard. (':

the walk to school was hilarious. a few words to sum it up, penis game, water gun, teachers giving us strange looks, strap on penis (don't ask), stippers, poles, baby, boobs, etc. i feel sorry for the people walking in front of / behind us, excuse our inappropriate-ness. but it was fun nonetheless.

once we got to school, everyone just sat there and ate. (joyce kwan, you pig. eating two hot dogs and sushi at the same time. ;D)
me and annie were no life enough to sit in the computer room afterwards for 15mins on BBS. la.
epic epic hide and seek tips with a water gun after that, me and christabel were so ninja, hiding in the changerooms for about 15mins. they walked past so many times, but when they found us, we were soaked. (p.s. joyce kwan likes spraying our bewbs with her gun. that sounded bad. coff.)
ran around the school some more, then we got tired. we just sat there and shot each other with the gun when the teacher wasn't looking. 8D
i think michelle got joyce in the penis, look denise mummy, she pees while she's running. >8D hurhurhur.
vicky had an accident too, we sprayed her so many times 'down there'. ;D
i got attacked too many times to count by christabel and joyce. =w=

the day was pretty awesome, and i count believe i forgot my camera. D:<
i shall steal denise's and joyce's photos later. C:


and thanks victoria<3.
city outing on saturday. (:
ask me tmrw at school if you wanna come, it's kinda an open invitation, with a few exceptions. :p

and what is wrong with our school. i have three tests tmrw and three english wide reading logs due on the last day of term. ew. i havn't started studying yet. joy.

have a lovely day, i shall blog tomorrow. C:
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