I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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Hundredsss. Reality. Hole. Tagged. Apple. Squid. Pokerface. Brainfart. Moose. Pikelets.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
6:12 PM
Hello Kim dear. :3
I shall do your tag questions to cheer myself up. o:

If you met a hot dude walking down the street what would you do?
Follow him until the world ends. I would have a mini heart attack and stare at him. Then tell the person next to me (unless I'm walking by myself) and spazz with them about it. :3

Well hahah, last time me and Christabel saw a hot guy on the trian, we managed to pedocam him and take a photo. Omg, it was hilarious. :') We were laughing like crazy. :3

What super power would you choose if you had to pick?
Telekinesis. I'm a lazy person. =w= If I had lollies on my table and I was sitting on my bed, I wouldn't be bothered to get it... .__.
So yeah. Let's make everything float to me. 8D

Be a fake sparkly fairy in the sun or a hairy dog?
Uh duh, a fake sparkly dog fairy in the sun.

What is your definition of a lame joke?
A joke that is lame. Hahahha, well something really stupid that can make me laugh.
I still remember the joke Mark told me last year.
What did the ghost say to the bee?
Boo! Bee! 
Hahahhahahha, GET IT? BOOBY?
Lame? 1000%.

Embarrassing moments that happened in front of something you liked?
Most of the time, the person I like causes the embarrassing moments... But I'm not going to share any. :)

Pink or Hot Pink? And Why?
Pink. As in soft, baby pink is ok. Hot pink is a bit too strong for me. I'm not a big fan of pink. :3

Would you mate with a guy just because he was the last man in the world?
Just because he was the last man in the world? Then, no.

List the things you would do if you were a male for a day.
Go around and make live yaoi sex. Ok no, what about, get sexy hair and clothes. Oh and buy male cosplay and do photoshoots. But apart from that, I think I can do most things as a female. :)

Top or bottom? (you may choose anyway to interpret this question)
Depends on my partner. ;) The seme tends to be more macho, so I guess I'll take the bottom? Hahahah, but then, the uke feels more pain....

Ok, I'll stop. =w= I sense many "TMI"s being aimed at me right now. -w-

What would you tell the person whose birthday was today and you didn't get a present for them even though you were bragging to the whole world that you were the greatest friend ever? (All must answer cause I know that no one that I know would be in this situation, I think)
I would tell them I bought something online and it hasn't arrived yet and get the present after school. And then tell them the truth after you get them an amazing present. :3

Last but not least, would you turn gay for me? (A legit question I must say so myself)
Perhaps, Kimmy, perhaps. :3
But haha, probably not. :p

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