I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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Day 3 ; Eight ways to win your heart . Hachiko ; A dog's Tale (': Day 2 ; Nine things about yourself . Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten differe... 10 Day Challenge :D 30 letters ; im so un-bothered . frozen memories . what's love ? - Taxi ; DBSK k3 Loving someone is setting them free ; letting them...

Sunday, October 31, 2010
6:57 PM

wooooot !
today i went city for ericas bday (:
it was funfunfun cause there was like 16 people :D including ; binna , christabel , annie , kelly , shing , joyce , vicky , erica , eileen , vivian , henry , random guy 1 , random guy 2 , random guy 3 , jewel , isabella :3
the random people were ericas friends , i never knew their name cause i didnt talk to them o-o;

anywaaaays , first we met up @ kinokuniya and walked around for a whilee c:
then we went off to timezone and gamed for a while 8D
it was epic cause we were playing the basketball shooting game . me and joycie were pro . -coughcough-
LOLOL . joyce was so funnay , cause she threw the ball and it got stuck on top of the machine :L
and when someone tried to throw a ball to knock it back down , that ball got stuck too LOLOOL . WIN 8D

and then we went off the secret room cafe . it was so pretty (and expensive , it was 45$ for one hour :L)
but since we had 10 people it was only 4.50$ each . so basicly , the secret room cafe was this place where you hire a room and in the room you can play wii , playstation , board games , watch movies and yeah hang out :3
and they serve you food and stuff . we went to a japanese-themed room . it was so pretty (:
me and joyce were being retarded and swimming on the mats LOLOL :D

then we went to eat lunch . PEPPER LUNCHHH <3
omg it was so yummmyyy . i actually finished a whole one , but i was so full after -w-

we went caps after that , took three batches of sticker photos c:
they were sparkly :D
and spent a while there decorating them and shet .

market city afters . we walked around morning glory and i bought easyway :3
mango smoothieeee<3

we wandered around for a while and then i took the train home :]
and so my epic day ended :D

// ew , school tomorrowwww )':

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