I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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what i've been up to for the past week. LOL. 230111; matthew's bday party and afters. :3 HAPPYY BIRTHDAY MATTHEEEEW. c: dedi's make me smile. c: teehee. i'm going to be a real bitch in this post. (: i'... BAHAHAHA. heh. :3

Thursday, January 27, 2011
12:11 PM
erm. i had a dream about the horse this morning. again. o3o;
to everyone except rebecca and joyce, you guys won't know who the horse is, but he's been my crush from year 5 till about year 8. o__o
i never got a reply but i never confessed in the first place. he knows i like him and he said he didn't mind but i don't think i like him anymore. idk. i just didn't think about it. .__.
and i suddenly had a dream about him. weird huh?

so erm, me, matthew, calvin, rebecca and my brother, we were living in this hotel in the city? o3o;
and we went to this random park somewhere. i was running through the water fountain thingo and i got all wet. LOL.(;
erm, then there was a whole line of guys in the park, some half naked (shirtless o3o;), they had big backpacks and seemed like they were going camping.

then, suddenly, out of nowhere the horse appeared and said hi to me.
i waved back awkwardly and i asked him what he was doing. (he was wearing a big backpack too.)
he said he was going camping and went to line up.

out of nowhere, we started singing a duet. LOLWTF?! o____o
it was this song;

i have no idea why he knew the lyrics to that song, i'm pretty sure he doesn't watch dream high and he doesn't sing korean songs. o__o
erm. yeah.
then i woke up. o3o;

awkwaaaard. anyways, i needa finish my maths tutor hwmk, due tonight at 8. D:<
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