I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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Shock. Possibilities. Tonight. Smiles. Distress. Letters. Monster. Sagacity. Countdown. Sweets.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
9:02 PM
Hello dears. :)

Have a good one, you are all amazing. 

Ok, onto the blogpost.
It seems that love has neglected me until fairly recently. Until now, people that I have loved have not loved me back in that way. o_o
Now, it feels like all those years of neglect and shit have suddenly flooded me. o3o; (Ew, this sounds so lame.)

So... now two people are liking me at the same time... >:l

I'm gonna talk about it... o_o
So. I shall call the person in the first photo... er, Ron. o3o; And the second person shall be... Ken. LOL. I don't even-

Anyway. Ron is an internet friend. I met him around 1.25 years ago on BankaiStoryMS (MAPLESTORY PRIVATE SERVER LULULUL, hai kim. :3) And yeah, we've been talking a lot since then. :)
We're pretty damn close, I can talk to him about anything and everything. He talks to me about his problems and I can talk to him about mine. I can even say that he's one of the closest male friends I have. C:
Plus, I kinda made him break up with his girlfriend... :l
His ex-girlfriend kept thinking he was cheating on her.. with me... o3o; She wouldn't believe me when I said I wasn't interested in him. LOL. It's his fault for calling me cute all the time... =m=
Bleh, anyway. Apparently he likes me now... so... yeah, that's why I asked about Internet relationships, his relationship with his ex was also an Internet relationship. They lasted longer than a year, but she told me the problem is communication and mostly trust. Especially since he lives in Canada, so we have a 17 hour difference. Hahah, I remember when he thought he was talking to someone from the future. 8D But anyway, he's really amazing and all, but I don't really think Internet relationships work out. Some might, but he practically lives on the other side of the world. OTL

Then there's Ken. o_o
I met him fairly recently, a few months ago actually. The first time I met him, it was by chance. He just happened to have a spare seat next to him, so I sat next to him. :3
I found out we have a lot of similar interests, he was funny and cute. But it felt like we would become good friends at that point. And sooooo. He likes me as well now... o_o

I don't know what I'm going to do. I feel like rejecting both of them and staying friends... But will I be able to? If I pick one, I'll feel bad for the other. But the main problem is, I don't really feel the same way for any of them. They're reaaaaally reaaaally good friends and they would make lovely boyfriends, except the problem is.. I feel like I'm kinda using them to make myself feel better and to distract myself from my previous crush. Plus, it's not physically possible to go out with Ron. I guess if I had to choose, it would be Ken, but I really don't know. I was sure I was going to accept at one point, but now I'm not so sure. Aaaaand, it's year 11 next year. I will not have a social life. My maths tutor is determined to make me be one of the top 10 in our grade in maths. I told him I can't, he said I'm just lazy... =m= Assho make me do duh 4U maths. OTL

So... what do you guys think I should do?
I'm sure that they can both make me feel happy and loved, but I don't know if it'll be fair for me to date them. o_o
Oh and they will be my first boyfriend... o__o; Noob.

Anyway, that was a megalong post, congrats if you got through it. Leave a comment and tell me what you think?
I should seriously start my to-do list, I have 3 tests tomorrow. Instead I'm blogging, listening to Sesame and Cotton Candy, my new obsession. ;) [click] (The chorus: I'm making love, love, love x 9308042934) and Facebooking. LOL MARTIN;

I swear he never shuts up about MapleStory. I quit already... >:l
Though, I do want to start again. The new jobs are so cool. *u*
Anyway, I shall seriously start studying. And I need to pack for the weekend. I'M MOVING OUT. I'M GONNA LIVE WITH CRAZY WOMAN SHING. LOL. Only for the night though. >:l

Have a sexy night. ;)
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