I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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Possibilities. Tonight. Smiles. Distress. Letters. Monster. Sagacity. Countdown. Sweets. Poop.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
11:45 PM
(via fuckyeahkpopmacros)
LOLOOLOL. /Dies laughing. You will not understand this if you don't listen to B2ST. But basically, the song goes "This song is not overrrrrr." Then it ends. D:<<<<

Anyway, I feel quite happy atm. :)
_____ told me that he'll be giving me a letter on Saturday. ^///^
I can't wait to see him again. :*3
KEKEKKEKE, not gonna reveal too much on my blog. ;)

Hopefully we can get together and like... you know...
go find an empty room and...

f`yeah. 8D

... Lame child.

I really cannot wait until Friday afternoon. Why must I have exams on the 2nd last week of term? ;m;

I shall make my to-do list here now so you guys can remind me.

  1. Pack for Shing's bday party, sleepover and Animania for this weekend. ^__^
  2. Re-study for ze maths test (I STUDIED UNTIL 1:30 [ehehhe I started at 12:30. o_o] ON MONDAY, THE TEST IS ON THURSDAY. D:<)
  3. Study for Jap test on Thursday and Friday
  4. Study for the Macbeth practice essay thing
Oh and I officially found the most annoying/hardest game on Earth. [click] If you ask me at school, I'll give it to you. Unfortunately, it's also highly addictive. :c

Have a lovely day, I will spend the rest of today trying to pass stage two of Syobon Action and start packing for Shing's sleepover soonpossiblymaybenotreallynahnoway. :)

I love you, cuties. :)
Spread the love. ^__^
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