I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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Poop. Skyler. Crush. Safetybag. Prawn. Etc. Nom. Pulse. Sparks. Heartquake.

Sunday, September 4, 2011
11:22 PM
Hello darlings. :)
It was Wear It Purple day on Friday. Thanks to all the people that wore purple, it's great to know that so many people support homosexuals/bisexuals. This is quite personal to me and a few of you know why.

I've been Skype-ing quite a lot these days.  I cannot be bothered to type anymore, today was quite tiring.
Ooh. I played Poker at Matthew's until 11:05 on Saturday night. 8)
Anyway, screenshots~ Click photos to enlarge. ;)

LOLOLOL. Rachelle's spastic face was frozen. Her video stayed like that for 2 mins. :)

Spastic faces? 8D CHRISTABEL'S FACE OMGz <3


Hello thar. C:


Eheheh. Grape eyes. :) AKA I'm staring at you (sexually) face. ;)
It was Father's Day today. I shall blog about that later. Yummy photos coming up. :3 (I went to a Japanese restaurant. :])

Hi, here's a luvo. I like taking luvos.

I hope my hair grows longer. I still think it's too short now. (That's what happens when I cut my own hair. :l)

Anyway. Have a lovely day, honeybuns. :)
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