I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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POKEMON BATTLE TOURNAMENTTTTT. >8D To my -dear- mother fucking parents. 11th April + 12th April. - City outing and Bwood+R... Hopes and Expectations. MAAAAY POOO SUUUUU TOOOOOO WEEEEEEEE. LULULULUL. 9th April 2011- My Bday City Outing & Presents. C: 8th April 2011- Mum's bday dinner. C: Silence. HAI. BAI. 0330.

Sunday, April 24, 2011
2:12 AM
Yes, my blog is still alive. I know I haven't blogged since last Tuesday, but yes. I shall be active soon.
  • I HAVE BEEN BUSY. GOING OUT. YES. Sunday-  Pokemon Battle Tournament Monday- Work Experience. (WHICH I MANAGED TO GET. YUSHHHHHHHHH. 8D) Tuesday- Easter Showwwww, Wednesday- Jewel's Epic Party<3. Went out to yum cha etc, these few days. C:
  • I'M DUH MASTER OF PROCRASTINATION. It's not even funny how serious it is. We're supposed to be reading this Jane Austin book and I haven't started, plus I'm an extremely slow reader. :L I have 7 weeks of maths tutoring homework to catch up on (it's like 5 chapters.) to finish by Monday. I also haven't started my SRP yet, I still need to change my experiment. I'm so screwed.
  • OHMYEFFINGGAWD. My laptop died on Friday. D:< So I had to reformat it, cause apparently my XP was 'corrupted'. Hahah, I'm so old fashioned, using Windows XP. And my dad went and deleted all my photos. D:< The news ones I havn't uploaded yet. But luckily, we stopped the installation and I got them back. There's 130 of them and I shall upload them all once I finish editing them. 
  • I have Vista on my laptop now, but all my programs are gone and I had 97 Windows Updates to download today. So I had to download all my programs again and patch Audition again (which I didn't get to do cause my laptop was too laggy while downloading other stuff.) I also have to synch my iPod to my laptop again cause I need to redownload iTunes. OAIJDOISAJDOIJSD. PAIN IN DUH ASSHO. I managed to use 6.2 GBS of internet in a day. WOOO, NEW RECORD. 8D but I have 1000 GBS a month, so it's all good. C:
It's 2AM and I have the painfullest period pain right now. Me and Rebecca managed to get our period on the same day. LULUULLL, we are so cool. Joyceeeeeee&Rachelleee, rmbr when you guys blogged about your periods? It was very attractive. (;
LOL. I should stop. Ahem. 

Anywey, I just had those glutinous rice balls, they are so soft and squishy. :3
I'm such a pig, eating desert at 2AM, ohwells, it's nice and I was hungry. ;p

I also don't know why I'm typing with almost proper grammar. I like how it looks, I think I shall type with proper capital letters now. C:

I shall blog properly soon, after I edit all my photos. (:
Have a nice easter, lovelies<3.
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