I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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Pocket monsters. Blank. Vault. Equilibrium. Kimmy. Hundredsss. Reality. Hole. Tagged. Apple.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
10:57 PM
Hello everyone. :)

The weather was lovely yesterday, just a tiny bit too cold. But apart from that, the rain felt really nice. :3
Oh and while I'm talking about the weather, I'll talk about the wind. I swear the wind was perverted yesterday. Me and Christabel were walking quite casually and then the wind decided to blow our skirts right up... o_o At the same time too.. o3o;

I've also received various test results back... Jap is the only subject I've got over 80 for atm... 39.5/41 for the listening test... The funny thing is, I found out that I had a test around 30 secs before I had Jap... but I'm still not happy with my mark... I got the first question wrong. I thought the question said 'where' when it actually said 'when'... >;l Oh and for speaking I got 9.5/10. Still not happy, I said おばあさん instead of そふ. I'm such a baka. ;m;
Mmmmmffff, I'm going to fail school at this point. Hopefully, my history marks will stay about 90.

On another note, today was amusing. :3
Bullshit has become the new way to pass lunchtimes. It went from StepMania in the computer rooms in year 7 and beginning of year 8, then we went to the music room. Year 9 was just lazing around in the quad... This year, we've played Volleyball, Basketball, and now it's cards. :)
Hahahha, we're so active and crazy, I love our group. :3

Lunch was pretty much filled with Joyce (and everyone else) screaming BUUUUULLLLLLLSHITTTTTT (and failing) and then Shing screaming YOU IDIOT, I HAVE THE CARD RIGHT HERE. LOLOL. :')
Those two. <3 :3

Oh and quote of the day:
Christabel- -leans forwards- Oh shit, I pulled my buttocks muscle. C;
Vicky- Is the buttocks here ? -points hand across chest-
I have maths tutor tmrw night and I've done one question. Fuck. I get home at 11 after maths tutor and I have heaps of work due for Physics tutoring on Friday. There's also a test... Double fuck?

I should get off my laptop and start, but I really don't want to.... >:l
... I shall be Youtube-ing. :3

Love, Florence.
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