The weather was lovely yesterday, just a tiny bit too cold. But apart from that, the rain felt really nice. :3
Oh and while I'm talking about the weather, I'll talk about the wind. I swear the wind was perverted yesterday. Me and Christabel were walking quite casually and then the wind decided to blow our skirts right up... o_o At the same time too.. o3o;
I've also received various test results back... Jap is the only subject I've got over 80 for atm... 39.5/41 for the listening test... The funny thing is, I found out that I had a test around 30 secs before I had Jap... but I'm still not happy with my mark... I got the first question wrong. I thought the question said 'where' when it actually said 'when'... >;l Oh and for speaking I got 9.5/10. Still not happy, I said おばあさん instead of そふ. I'm such a baka. ;m;
Mmmmmffff, I'm going to fail school at this point. Hopefully, my history marks will stay about 90.
On another note, today was amusing. :3
Bullshit has become the new way to pass lunchtimes. It went from StepMania in the computer rooms in year 7 and beginning of year 8, then we went to the music room. Year 9 was just lazing around in the quad... This year, we've played Volleyball, Basketball, and now it's cards. :)
Hahahha, we're so active and crazy, I love our group. :3
Lunch was pretty much filled with Joyce (and everyone else) screaming BUUUUULLLLLLLSHITTTTTT (and failing) and then Shing screaming YOU IDIOT, I HAVE THE CARD RIGHT HERE. LOLOL. :')
Those two. <3 :3
Oh and quote of the day:
Christabel- -leans forwards- Oh shit, I pulled my buttocks muscle. C;I have maths tutor tmrw night and I've done one question. Fuck. I get home at 11 after maths tutor and I have heaps of work due for Physics tutoring on Friday. There's also a test... Double fuck?
Vicky- Is the buttocks here ? -points hand across chest-
I should get off my laptop and start, but I really don't want to.... >:l
... I shall be Youtube-ing. :3
Love, Florence.
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