I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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selfcamming whore x: 一 ィットル の 涙. JYP. posters nomnom 8) im disgusting aren't i ? lovers vs friends. corny-ness overload much ? SM the Ballad [heart] HOLYFREAKINGSHIT . 2 videos that always make me smile .

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
5:27 PM
Dear ______,

After reading your blogpost, i got reallyreally pissed off.

Even though they are your friends, who gave them the right to question who you like? Who gave them the right to offend you and critisise what you can't help doing? Who gave them the right to make you cry and then say "I don't why she's crying. I didn't do anything."


If I was there, I probably would've slapped them by now. I know they are your friends and it was probably a joke. But it hurt you. And they pretended that nothing happened. I have no idea why, but I feel really annoyed and frustrated that I couldn't be there for you.

I would've cried as well if someone critisised you like that. Because it isn't your fault that you like him, and it isn't your fault that your a lot taller than him. But all those facts don't matter anymore, because no-one can control your feelings. It doesn't matter what your friends say, you should be able to like someone, even if you aren't going to see them again after you graduate.

Thanks to your friends, you've probably had a bad memory of your last week of school. However, just try and forgot those unhappy moments and cherish those special ones.

On a happier note, on Graduation day, you should give him a hug and tell him that you'll miss him. (Just a suggestion, but it would be really sweet if you did (*:)
And yeah, take lots of photos.(:

\\ omg, i'm so bad at giving people advice :c
\\\ this post is dedicated to Somebody so if you have no idea what i'm talking about, i'm sorry :/
\\\\ oh and to Somebody, i'm sorry for the language. i know you don't like it when i swear but i'm quite irritated atm.
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