I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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awkward. o__o 280111. ananda's outing/keshini's bday. c: ohgawd. what i've been up to for the past week. LOL. 230111; matthew's bday party and afters. :3 HAPPYY BIRTHDAY MATTHEEEEW. c: dedi's make me smile. c: teehee. i'm going to be a real bitch in this post. (: i'...

Saturday, February 5, 2011
11:19 PM
HULLO EVERYBODYY. i am alive. c:
i havn't posted for 5 days. woah. o:

anyway, today. was. awesome.
i think one of my best days ever. (:
i shall start from the beginning.

12am-2am; reading tyrant.c:
woke up at 7:30 and watched shinPD and dgrayman until 10. then got ready, packed up, ate etc.
took the train blahblah.

then i arrived at town hall and i met up with shingy, erica and simon at kino. we went to timezone and then hardcore technika-ed for an hour or so. ;D
then we went to pick up amy and kim from town hall. and ohmygawd. amy looked amazing. o:
she cosplayed as ciel phantomhive. (girl version. ;3)

and then we went off to the meeting place. and woah, the atmosphere was so crazy. (:
LOLOL. here's a quote;

crowd; WOOOO
crowd; WOOOOOOO !
crowd (esp. our group.); WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!
rdm person in the crowd; WHO LOVES TENTACLE HENTAI?
crowd; o__o

we started at 1pm when the clock chimed. ohyeah, lemme explain. the cosplay flash mob is an event where people cosplay and we listen to a mp3. in the mp3, a voice tells us to do actions and the group of people do it. :p
so the first command was a freeze frame; freeze for one minute. and yeah, we had a group of hundred or so people freezing on the street. haha, epic. BUT WAIT! it gets so much better. (;

so the next command was the fake phone conference thing, similiar to the one from DRRR, if you've seen it. (;
basically everyone had to get out their phones and have a really loud fake convo with your imaginary friend. everyone was just screaming into their phones, it was hilarious. the normal people (civillians as shing calls them. :D) were just giving us weird looks. :3
then we had to laugh as loud as we could, into our phones. then we suddenly had to pretend to cry. LOLOL. epicness.

then we had to pretend there was something in the sky; LOL. this was awesome.
everyone was just like;
-points to the sky and screams OHMYGAWD WHAT IS THAT?-
but then it got epic-er cause we started screaming JUMPJUMPJUMPJUMPJUMP x 982487928347 and pretended someone was suiciding. the civillians kept looking up, then looking at us, then walking off. LOL.

after that, we had to make some creepy pedo face and ghost people. LOL. i followed this random guy and shing and erica and eileen got behind me, we made a line and it took him quite a while to notice. LOL.

3 minute freeze frame after that, me, shing, erica and eileen freezed with the letters that spelt out yaoi. :3 (did that sentence even make sense? o__o)
and yeah, we stood there getting stared at and getting sunburnt, i swear my arms were gonna fall off cause i was holding them like a 'O' for 3 minutes.
but, my idea earned us heaps of photos. :D(Y)

after that, our last command; walk to hide park. pretending to be zombies. :3
so me and shing and some other random cosplayer were at the front, going BRAINSSSSS. LOL.
i heard someone in the public go, "is this supposed to be some kinda freak show?"

but yes, it was awesome. we had a hyde park meet and greet later and had a group photo, idk how they fit everyone in, but it's all good. :D

then, me and shing went off to get food. we went caps after that and i spent 20$ on the claw machines. .__.
at least i got a gloomy bear and a rilakkuma keyring. :D
then we went to mcity galaxy world and shing had to leave, so i stayed there. and guess what? i found erica and simon. c:

and found a few more people from the flash mob including cecelia, that photographer, some macho guy that wore a maid dress and some other people, and we just hung out for a while. i stayed at galaxy world for about 2hrs.
our whole group played bumper cars, it was crazy. there's this pole and three cars got stuck, including me. :3
so how did we get out?
another car smashed into the middle one and we unstucked ourselves. c: hoho.
i just kept smashing into everyone. :3
i played technika for a while longer and then left cause it was getting late. i was supposed to get home by 5, but i was 1.5 hours late. ohwells. the fun was worth it. ;3

simon as sebastian. c: his gf as ciel. :3

erica, kim, amy, shing.

ciel phantomhives. :3

kitty cats. :D +ghey guy on the left.

aw, couple. :3<3

group photo. c: (except simon and eileen.) notice something weird in the photo? hint; look left. LOL. :3

caps. :D i look strange here. my eyebrows are trianglar. o3o;

i like this one. :3

excuse my face. :c

the whole lot. :3
fail yaoi freeze frame. o__o

LOL FAIL. read from right to left. it's supposed to say YAOI, but kinda failed. .__.

so yeah, that was pretty much it. :3
the day was awesome, the only bad thing was that the weather so horrible. i sweated bucketloads and i'm sure everyone else did as well. esp. those people wearing longsleeves cosplay. o__o

oh and one more thing. i think simon looks velyvely lengjai in his cosplay, he looks even better without his wig. :p
too bad he's taken, cause i think he's really hot and really nice. i stalk his photos on fb and save them on my laptop, i am a complete pedo and i think i have a crush on him.
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