I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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MAGICAL SUSHI. o: 8D originality pl0x. LG. life's ghey. DOLLARS BBS. penis. honey, i love you. but sorry, i gtg. i have diarrh... 050211. cosplay flash mob. c: awkward. o__o 280111. ananda's outing/keshini's bday. c:

Friday, February 25, 2011
11:07 PM
today was crazyyyy. o:

i was late to geography this morning, and i got locked out of my classroom.
mr reece; oh you got locked out ? tough luck, florence. haha.
i look into the history staffroom and i see mrs. mcalona staring and smiling at me evil-ly. o3o;

i finished all my work in jap, vely happy. 8D

history was a bludge, as always. =o=

english; aiyah. i got my writing task back. i did pretty crappily. :c
mrs. mcalona went off at us for writing shitty-ly.

" you've been learning english for 10 years already, yet you still can write a proper essay?"
she was just hardcore raging at us. .__.
yeah, she went apeshit for most of the period. .__."

sport was funnnayyy.
i do titan gym and we have this pretty macho looking instructor. so there was this window, and he was going to look out the window. but then he doesn't notice that the glass window was closed. and he tried to put his head outside the window...
he bashed his head into a window. and he looked around to see if anyone saw him, and i was standed there chuckling.
bahahaha, i'm so evil. 8D

lunch was crazaaay. ;D
erica is such a perv, feeling people's boobs (or as she calls them 'tits' cause they sound more erotic. o3o;) and looking up our skirts. =__=
i feel sorry for rachelle, erica kept putting her hand on her boob. o3o;
sorry to the people getting disturbed by reading this. LOL.
and erica was staring at my chest. GEEZ WOMAN, I'M FLAT. NOTHING TO LOOK AT. ;m;

science = mr. raf-aye-el. he is such a shitty teacher. he walked past me while i was on dollars bbs and he didn't say anything. either is is blind, or he doesn't care, or he didn't notice. .__.
and so, i was on bbs the whole period during science. productive lesson much?

last period, history again.
i managed to get Sai's phone number and email. ohyeah. ;D
and i'm meeting him on friday (dw, i know he isn't a pedo, he used to go to sharon's primary school, so don't try lecturing me for meeting strangers online. :p), he's giving me something i shall not name on this blog. :3

i can't wait till fridaaaay ~ c:
i get to see Sai's pedo wink. (;
haha, he txted me today.

Beware of my pedoness on Friday. 

ohyesbby. ;D

city = technikaaa. WOOOOOT ! i feel mega pumped now. (:

waaaah, eddy's bday outing is on sunday, but i don't think i can go. D:
+ erica's not going with me, so it'll be awkward with just me and him and those other people i don't know. :p
imisshim. x:
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