I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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HIATUS. cat.(: oshet. POKEMON BATTLE TOURNAMENTTTTT. >8D To my -dear- mother fucking parents. 11th April + 12th April. - City outing and Bwood+R... Hopes and Expectations. MAAAAY POOO SUUUUU TOOOOOO WEEEEEEEE. LULULULUL. 9th April 2011- My Bday City Outing & Presents. C: 8th April 2011- Mum's bday dinner. C:

Saturday, May 14, 2011
9:44 PM
hello everyone. (:
my hiatus shall almost be over.

i had my pdhpe, geography and history tests last week. i am very glad that they are all over. next week there's science and maths. ohjoy.  for the maths common, i am determined to get over 95%.

  1. my maths tutor said that if i don't get over 95% in my test, he said that i will die. yeah, he actually said that. o__o he also said that if our class doesn't all get band 6 for maths in the school cert. we aren't allowed to do 3/4 unit maths. &he doesn't teach students that do general maths. my friend was like "i hate maths, i'm gonna do general maths." and my tutor said "you can do general maths. it's just that i don't ever want to see you again." heheh, he's so creepy. o3o;
  2. my mum promised to buy me a psp if i get over 95%. i only want a psp so that i can play djmax on it. it's the company that made technika and it has all the lovely technika songs in it. /eyes sparkle. (:< oh and tekken and final fantasy would be fun too. C:
anyway. i'm planning to fail science. i don't have a prac book and when i get one it will be empty cause i don't have any notes to put in it. o3o;
also, i really want to piss that retarded mrs. duffy off. she's such a bitch. D:<
so as you sgghs science-ers know ,she gives a strike everyone someone doesn't do their homework. & i happened to get my 4th strike last week (shush, i never do homework. unless it's english/jap homework.) and so she told me to see her at lunch. so i did. 
& i waited for her. 
& waited.
& waited...
she turned up 10 mins late. .__.
& when she turned up. she said "oh, you came. coming here was an inconvenience for you. so you can go now."
me: ok. /walks to annie and christabel who were waiting for me in the room opposite the science staffroom. "WTF IS WRONG WITH HER. SHE WAS JUST LIKE. OH, HAHA, GET LOST. I WASTED YOUR TIME. LOL. FREAKING. CRAZY. WOMAN. GRRR.

ahem. on a happier note, after school on friday i decided to go for a walk. so when i got home, i grabbed my camera and ipod and went for a walk outside, walking from my place to the bridge and back to the train station, then i walked all the way back. :D i managed to take 64 photos in 15mins. hehe. i know i should, but, i'm not even gonna bother editing them. oh and there's only 54 now, i deleted a few. poopoo. 
wait, what? 

enjoy la. :p
[ oh, & click the photos to enlarge. (; ]

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