I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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Dear Rebecca. Studying = Student + Dying. PEDO. (*)#($*)(*@)#$#!!~ julie's editing contest ~ storm. life fucking sucks. urban dicktionary. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. >:C hai.

Sunday, March 20, 2011
11:10 PM
my day has been magnificently shit. read on and you'll know why... :L

my day started off awesomely, i slept at 3am and woke up at 7:45. got dressed, blahblahblah, left the house at 8. it was amazing. i love walking to the station by myself in the morning. there was no-one there, except for me. (lonely, loneyl flemingon) the rain makes the whole place look so much better. c:
i just had to take a few photos, but beware. crappy quality, they're from my phone. :p

i love the rain, it just makes everything so realistic, yet fake. c: 

anyway, back onto my day. i got to the city first, waited outside for timezone to open. 9am, started playing technikaaa. wooo. 2 games, then erica and kelly arrived. the next 2hrs was just filled with technika, ddr and tekken. c:
funfunfun. annie turned up half an hour late, so 2.5 hrs of timezone. 

and omg, i neeeeed to go to the city again next week, timezone's having a double dollars event. charge in money, get double the amount. omggeeee. gonna charge in 40$. hurhurhr. 

ooh, me and erica got our wedding rings today. i'll love you forever, baby. 
we went to kinokuniya, bought some books and magazines, then we went off to eat. ajisan ramen. it tasted like shittttt. the waitresses were such bitches. she practically threw the menu and tissues and chopsticks and shit and walked off. seriously, ugh. 
but it was hilarious. after kelly finished her curry ramen, we added ice, fried garlic, soy sause, chilli oil and pepper to it. it looked like diarrhoea, mixed with vomit. o3o;
it was gross. and then we poured it into a cup. LOL.
i tried a bit, it was disgusting. x__x
i gave up after a sip, the aftertaste was stuck in my mouth, it was horrrrible. 
eileen actually drank the whole cup, she is amazing. ;D

the bitchy waitress saw us and was like; omg. you know that's really hard to wash off?
and she grabbed the cup, but it slipped out of her hands and fell on me, then fell on the floor, she picked the cups up again and left. gosh. :L
like, don't they have dishwashers? =__=

after that, it started to go downhill. i felt sick. like vomit kinda sick. 
it might have been cause of the food but idk. my mum and dad told me later that it was the bread i ate from the bakery that morning. stupid unhygienic asian food places. =__=

i spent 30mins in the toilet. but i still felt horrible. so i left. :L
i wanted to stay. D:<

next city outing; either next week or on my birthday (9th april.) :D
ask me if you wanna gooo, and you're invited. wooo ~ c:

byebyeee. i need go sleep, my head hurts and my butt's numb from sitting down in from of my laptop for too long... o3o;
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