I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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life fucking sucks. urban dicktionary. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. >:C hai. 200th post. 199th post. o: wowww. 260211- Calvin's ct bday outing. :3 i'm definately a professional at loving someone i ... a loving little panda.

Sunday, March 13, 2011
10:58 PM
i feel like the whole world is against me. (except for those few people that actually care about how i feel right now. thanks, you guys. <3)

anyway, [/start rant.]
have you ever thought about my feelings?
geez, woman. you're not the only one with feelings here. i have feelings too, in case you havn't noticed. 

you're crossing the line. 
i said you fail. and that's crossing the line. wow. 
how many fucking times have you pissed me off? i'm going to be honest. you've crossed the line a lot more times. and if you get insulted when i say "you fail," then suck it up. life is going to be a bigger bitch to you than i am. 

and to someone else. i hate how you always take her side when we get into an argument. i hate how i'm always the 'bad guy' when i clearly think i'm right. she's never cared about how i felt, why should i care about how she feels?

Would you like it if people keep on saaying you fail? and saying you're annoying?
i wouldn't mind at all. everyday, i get told that i'm a failure, that i can't do anything right. my parents hate me, but i don't blame them. i probably am a failure and i can't do anything right. one of the things i did wrong was making friends with you. seriously, who gets insulted when they're told that "they fail."? 

you say she's slowminded, but that's just a polite way of saying she's stupid. but surely, even if she is "slowminded", you'd think that someone would understand something if they've been told the same thing at least three times. 

alright. i'm going to list all the things i hate about you. and all the things i like. i'm being completely honest here, so if you don't like what i say, tough luck. things aren't going to change unless she does. 

  • i hate how you say "you're ugly" just so that people can compliment  you and say "noo, you aren't. you're so pretty." that might not be completely true, but i have this hunch that you're saying it for that reason. or you're just saying it cause we do. and i'm not saying it just for attention and shit, i really believe i am ugly. but i take photos of myself when i'm bored. so maybe one time i should be like "yeah. you are ugly." i wonder what you would do then?
  • i hate the clothes you wear. i know i shouldn't judge by looks but seriously? who wears pink pants and school shoes out on the street? 
  • i hate how you made a blog, just cause i did and cause i told rebecca to. so what? now you've made one and you have four blogposts. two of them don't even make sense.  
  • i hate how you changed your blog url just cause me and rebecca did. =__= and wtf, cloudy wishes for love? there's no such thing as a cloudy wish. i'm probably being too logic and shit, but i can't help but think that you're url sounds stupid.
  • i hate how thick you are. yeah, at least i'm not being that frank. at least i'm not saying you're a stupid dingbat. but really, at least type sentences that make sense. i'm not super smart myself or anything, but at least i can understand what i'm saying. 
I said how it looked like the game where they give you a hook and you have to hook the fish up . Then we laughed like crazy people.
  • i hate how you use all the emotes that i use and how you even type like me now. except you don't make sense. 
  • i hate how you're so boring. i'm not saying i'm super interesting, but at least when i talk to people, it seems like they're interested and they enjoy the conversation.
  • i hate how i can't talk to you normally, it's so hard to have a normal conversation with you because the things you talk about are so stupid. 
  • i hate how you ask stupid questions that i've already answered. 
  • i hate how you always manage to earn sympathy from people. 
  • i hate how you try to be someone your'e not. especially when you don't look good while doing it. 
  • i hate your annoying laugh, it's probably not your fault for having a laugh that makes me want to drill a hole in my head. but i hate it, it's so high pitched and annoying.
  • i hate how sensitive you are, the smallest comment = me crossing the line.
  • and no, you aren't funny. 
  • A E I HATE U

what i like about you;
  • nothing.
i probably sound like the biggest bitch on earth, but that's what i think about you. if you want to change my opinion of you, then why don't you actually care about how i feel for a change, or at least try to, since you're so slowminded.

or maybe i'm just pms-ing. cause i was in a pretty good mood three hours ago, when i  was playing audition. but nope. i'm  in a horrible mood now. which has released this horrible, terrible and bitchy side of me. 

there's probably a lot more sides to me that i havn't seen yet. i don't really know myself. and sometimes, even my friends know me better.

oh, and if i remeber correctly. when i asked rebecca what's good about her, she replied with what's so bad about her? does that mean you can't really see anything good in her as well. or are you just saying she doesn't have anything you hate, but nothing you like either?

i'm really angry now. i want to cry. i want to cut something up. i really want to talk to someone that cares. i want to talk to ryan. but he's not online. i want to talk to jewel, but she's not online. i want someone to tell me that my life is good, even if it's a lie.

i don't know if this hate i'm feeling for her is going to be permanent or if it's going to be something that will disappear over time. and i probably sound like i'm just some whiny little bitch, but that's how i feel right now. 

i read your blogpost. when i saw the 'angry stare' you gave me, i laughed. when i saw you crying, i suddenly started crying. i don't want to have another argument with you again. but now, i'm watching the save-ums; i really am pms-ing, huh? i think i'm developing a mental illness. o__o hahahahaha, cough.

[/end edit.]

[/start edit edit.]
hullo, i'm back again. o__o
i think i'm pms-ing while developing a serious mental illnes. what a lovely combination. because i'm in a good mood right now, and it's been like 30mins since i posted the first post. LOL. thanks to those people that have made me laugh/smile just then.
i was on bbs and talking to sai, he always makes me smile. he told me that he'll try to dream of me. ;D

Silence; aw... you go online when i'm about to go offline... ):
iPeekAtChu; it's kay. i'll be on your dreams. (;
Silence; haha. do you want me to dream about you?
iPeekAtChu; yes? =w=
Silence; alright.. i'll try and dream about you.

aw. (*:
that made me smileee. c:
something else

-- big boobs logged in ---
Hashi; <-- not interested in boobs.
blackcat; OMG. i always knew you were gay.
Hashi; nooooo. it's just that i'm not interested in pieces of fat.

yes, that made me laugh too. =w=
and my other mum, cecelia; :D

thanks to those lovely people i have been restored to my normal state. 8D
and thanks annie for talking to me about it. <3
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