I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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Studying = Student + Dying. PEDO. (*)#($*)(*@)#$#!!~ julie's editing contest ~ storm. life fucking sucks. urban dicktionary. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. >:C hai. 200th post.

Saturday, March 19, 2011
6:15 PM
it's been a while since i've dedicated a blog post to you. i've decided to make it things that remind me of you ~

there's so many sides of you that i've seen. most of the time, you're happy and crazy, so that's red/orange/yellow. c:
then there's those times where you're depressed, so purple/blue.
green reminds me of your room. :p
AND YEAH. RAINNNBOWWW. ;D -eyes sparkle-

cat. ;D
delicate and soft, but dangerous and agro when you want to be. AND FLUFFFFY. loljks. ;3

erm. song;

コノヨノシルシ (Kono Yono Shirushi)- BoA

Because I know that a person can't live like in their favorite movie
Whenever someone falls in loveI may seek out my own story a little too much
Before my eyes you smile a smile that seems mysterious, you and I are...We happened upon each other even though I had no map
This is me wanting to quietly trust love, it reaches to my tears
You're in range of me, there's no replacement for you
The mark of tonight
We were born in different cities, and we spent our days different
But unexpectedly, we hum the same song
The miracles just pile up, and we dream the same dream right now
The future is faint
But we go well together, and that's good
But my cheeks are hot, even though I don't have a feverI feel all of the winds, everywhere
I'm so close to you that I seem to wipe your sadness away
I don't want to leave you
The mark of tonightBefore my eyes you smile a smile that seems mysterious, you and I are...We happened upon each other even though I had no map
This is me wanting to quietly trust love, it reaches to my tears
You're in range of me, there's no replacement for you
The mark of tonightI arrived here, even though I had no map
There, you and the flowers both were trembling
It's not a particularly special love
But there's no replacmenet for you, the mark of tonight
bra. (;- close to my heart and there for support. c:

pencil case. shy before you meet people, but once you know someone, you'll open up and everyone gets to see your lovely guts and blood. LOLJKS. your lovely personality. c:

afternoon, the random time for lazing about and doing nothing. (:

favourite picture with you;

early last year. goshhh, how long havn't we lovo-ed in ? D:

lalalla, that's all i'm bothered to blog about now ~
i get to go city tmrw to play technikaaa, whooooooooo. :D

i'll blog tmrw. 

i still need to write english speech. aijfoijefoija. :3

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