I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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(*)#($*)(*@)#$#!!~ julie's editing contest ~ storm. life fucking sucks. urban dicktionary. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. >:C hai. 200th post. 199th post. o: wowww.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
9:53 PM
thanks for 4000 views on my blog, everyone. c:
it means a lot to me that people are caring about my thoughts and feelings and actually reading this lame blog. <3
i shall start my prac report nowww. byeee ~

LOL. i had the most epic-est afternoon today. ;D

so, i saw this really hot asian dude on the train. he was tall and skinny (-orgasm-) and wore his school uniform so hotly. ;3
and he got on the same train as us (me, christabel and ananda). me and christabel were full on fangirling over his hair. it's was light brown and asian and hooooooooot. -orgasm-
and yeah. i kept staring at him, it got awkward.

then it was burwood, i thought he was going off cause he got out, but it turns out that he was just getting out to let people out. and i waved at him and said "BYE", but then he turned around to get back on the train. & i just stood there waving at him. then christabel and ananda started laughing at me like crazy womeeeen. LOL. it was hilarious. (':

then, i decided to take a photo. me and christabel were trying not to be sus, it failed. LOL. i was pretended to talk on my phone, but then i moved my hand and i took a photo of this random guy instead;

he's standing on the left <--- c:

i kept failing. and then he got off, but luckily we got off at the same station. 8D 
strathfield, korean central. :3
took another one, but i moved my hand again. =__=

FINALLY I WAS SUCCESSFUL. but it was still blurry, me and christabel laughing too much. LOL. c:
ain't the back of his blurry head hot? =w=

LOL. christabel; SEND ME THE PICTUREE. ananda; -facepalms-
imagine if binna was there. LOL, she would've bashed me. =w=

HURHURHUR. need a high quality picture taken of a hot asian guy on the train ?
call florence and christabel on 1800-grade-a-pedos-696969. ;D

ohyeah, and i got my haruhi suzumiya cosplay. -jumps over the moon-
i shall learn the dance they do in the theme song. :D
-poses dramatically-

i have a a science prac report due on friday, a history test and a science test on friday. i havn't started doing any of them. and today i was at the station taking photos of random hot asian guys. I HAS A LIFE
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