I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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urban dicktionary. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. >:C hai. 200th post. 199th post. o: wowww. 260211- Calvin's ct bday outing. :3 i'm definately a professional at loving someone i ... a loving little panda. HBD GHEYBO'S. and wooot, go Sai. (;

Sunday, March 13, 2011
4:13 PM
sooo. i feel like ranting about all the negative thoughts on my mind atm. warning; profanity involved.

thought #1
YOU STILL DON'T FUCKING GET IT DO YOU? i swear to god, you must be either really stupid, or you don't care about what i'm saying. the first time we told you, you said that you understood, but then you went and did it again. i think i said it sometime again but you ignored it and continued. i ranted about it a few weeks ago, you asked me if it was you. and i said yes. but no, you still do it. 

you may be thinking, why do i care so much? not cause you copied me once, or twice or three times. it's cause i've told you to stop many times, but you still do it.  it just pisses the shit out of me, whenever you do it, i just lose my temper and the rest of my day is ruined. just looking at you pisses me off now, looking at photos of you puts me off eating. 

i make you cry? you know what? i might sound like a bitch when i say this but, i don't fucking care at the moment. you can go cry your eyes out and i wouldn't give a shit. after you read this, you're probably go "you made me sad. :c" 
i have five words for you. 

"i don't give a fuck."

seriously. i've given you how many chances? i've forgiven you a few times, i try to ignore it, but you keep doing it again and again. 
rebecca, i don't know how you withstand it, i just get so pissed off i want to drive a car into her. and it's not just that fact that she endlessly copies me that makes me hate her. 

if you have no idea about what we're talking about, why do you still like the status/comment? why do you randomly go around liking every comment or status that we post if you don't have any idea what we're talking about? 

i also hate how you just start talking to me whenever i go online, i have better things to do than talk to you about shit i don't care about. 

you ask the stupidest questions. for example, i say i'm not buying it, but you ask me "are you going to buy it?"

i really can't find anything good about you anymore. 

thought #2
i fucking want to cut my foot off. i can't walk. i found out what the thing on my foot was called. it's called a callus. it's hurts like fuck when i touch it or put pressure on it. i have to hop around everywhere. when i hopped into the shower cubicle, i slipped. i smashed my arm against the wall. i went to see the doctor twice about it, he seemed to make it worse both times. now it's larger and yellow and there's yellow shit under my skin all around it. it's not getting better at all.  

thought #3
i can't bring myself to study. i have five tests next week-
monday; maths tutor test.
tuesday; jap test.
wednesday; maths test (four chapters in one test.)
friday; history and science. 
i havn't done my maths tutor homework in 3 weeks. i have about 3 chapters to catch up on. jap isn't going too bad since it's practically the only subject i get good marks in. my school maths book is practically empty, i've done 3 out of 20 or so full exercises. i'm completely lost in history, i found out what the domino theory was last week and we learnt about it in the first lesson. i have no idea what i'm supposed to study for in science because i have learnt nothing from my teacher. 
these three days, i havn't started studying at all. and i still need to write an english speech. i should get started. 

thought #4
unrequited love sucks. i've been talking to x quite a lot, but i can tell that he has no interest in me. but if i can talk to him and if he wants to talk to me, then it's alright.

right now, i fucking hate life. if there was a way to end it painlessly, then i would. i really need to get started on my english speech now, so bye. 
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