I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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200th post. 199th post. o: wowww. 260211- Calvin's ct bday outing. :3 i'm definately a professional at loving someone i ... a loving little panda. HBD GHEYBO'S. and wooot, go Sai. (; -insert pedo wink emote here- MAGICAL SUSHI. o: 8D

Thursday, March 10, 2011
9:59 AM
helloooo, i finally decided to blog. i'm actually in english class atm. POWER OF A TAFE ACCOUNTTT. 8D
anyway, i actually had a few things on my mind, but this thing is taken up the most space in my brain atm, so i shall type it all out. =w=

ohk, so basically it's about my friend who i shall refer to as r, so r and his gf, who i shall call a gets into fights. and it's sometimes my fault. :L

so r inboxed me last night and told me i couldn't talk kinky with him anymoar. :C
i was wondering why and he told me that he and a were getting into arguments more frequently. a was having dreams/nightmares about r cheating on her. with me. o3o;

well this originated from this questionaire i answered for him.

Ever had a crush on me? "no. not yet. c;"
Want your #? sure. (; <3

a saw that and she thought i liked r and yeah. i can't talk to him the way i want to. [kinky. (;]
i guess it's alright if it makes him happy though. :p
hopefully they won't get into arguments over me anymoar.

and another thing on my mind. homos/bisexuals/same sex lovers.
so rebecca already ranted a little about it but i wanna talk more about it. :L

frankly, i think there is nothing wrong with gays/lesbians/bisexuals. i even find some gays more attractive than stright guys. (YAOIIII. <3)

i've been watching antique bakery lately, it's a fantastic movie. it's also a movie with gay guys in it. and i love it. i think gay sex is hotter than hetero sex. :L

anyway, i don't think it's the person's fault that they like a person of the same gender. and i don't think there's any problem with it.

i find it quite weird how a person's image can be completely changed about something they can't control. if i person loves another person with the same gender, they shouldn't get judeged by that, they shouldn't get hated for it.

i actaully know a lot of people that are bisexual and i think i'm completely fine with it. you guys might be shocked and i was wondering when i was gonna say this, but i'm bisexual. and i'm not ashamed of it.
will you judge me differently? will you act differently towards me?

i don't think it's against human nature to like the opposite gender. i believe that it's just as normal to be attracted to the same gender than to the opposite.

i love pictures like this (click) and pretty much most of our group at school does.
it's a yaoi picture btw. =w=

sorry if i disturbed you. o3o;
i don't know if i did the right thing by admitting something i've kept a secret for years, but hopefully it won't negatively affect me too much.

that is all. o:
woah, such a serious post. o__o
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