I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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julie's editing contest ~ storm. life fucking sucks. urban dicktionary. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. >:C hai. 200th post. 199th post. o: wowww. 260211- Calvin's ct bday outing. :3

Monday, March 14, 2011
9:50 PM

today, i was scarred for life. literally.
the trip to the podiatrist freaked the shit out of me. D:

so i went to the podiatrist, aka feet doctor :D, and he had a look at my feet. apparently i have a cansomethingsomething callus or some shit. o3o;
and yeah, he said it was really difficult to treat. so he said that he had to cut off some of my skin and open up the wound, cause the infection was trapped inside, underneath my skin, so he had to cut it open so that the liquid can come out and the bump wouldn't get any bigger. and when i heard this i freaked. but i didn't show it.

he was like don't be scared. and i said "ok." really calmly. then he got out this packet of scissors and knives and shit. and i was thinking HOLYMOTHERFUCKINGSHITHOLEDOUCHEBAGFAGGOTDERPDERPDERP. but i looked really calm and composed. then he started carving a hole. in my freaking foot. while i was still awake. o__o

but it actually didn't hurt that much, cause it was the skin on top. but then i looked and saw the cotton bud/white fluffly thing that he was wiping my wound with. he had to use a new one after about 3 dabs cause it was covered in blood. it was so creepy. i was too scared to look at it, but this was my mum's description;

there's a hole about the size of a five cent coin, but a tad bit smaller. you could see the blood and the flesh. )(*#)(*$)(@$*

i screamed at her and told her to shut up. i was completely disgusted. .__.

and yeah, that guy was like "you're a really good patient, you know that?"
me; -nodnod-
i was too scared to say anything, i kept thinking that if i moved too much, then he might accidently slice part of my skin off. o3o;

but surprisingly, he was really gentle and nice. he said that he was going really slowly so that it wouldn't hurt as much as it could. and he took up a lot of time cutting up the padding for me, so i can rebandage it at home. and he was being really nice and considerate, he kept asking if i was ok and if it hurt. and yeah, the whole process took about half an hour. .__."
and i have to go back next week so he can see if it's going alright. :L

i can't fit my foot into my rabens, hopefully my feet can somehow fit into my school shoes. it's not cause my feet are swollen or anything, it's just that there's four layers of bandages/padding on it. there's a small piece of fabric thing, then two layers of tape/bandage thing then a thick piece of wool padding, so that there won't be any pressure on the wound and so that i can walk as normally as possible. :L

but i guess it hurt less than before, even though the hole was probably bigger. =__=

anyway, after my mini foot operation, i had to go to maths tutor. lovely.
my tutor is such a bitch. o:
he's basically calling us stupid;

susan; omg, you're giving us another test ? those stu-
teacher; you call my test stupid ? and you fail ? so that means you're even more stupid, ahahahhahah.
susan; i didn't say stupid, i said stu. :L
teacher; ahhahaahahah. so stewwwpid. 

LOL. he's so mean, but he's funny. :3
and a good teacher.

anyway, i should really start studying, but instead, i'm on blogger and facebook. and there isn't much chance i'm going off any time soon. :p

excuse my extremely disturbing blogpost, i hope you guys don't get traumatic hallucinations or some shit. o3o;
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