I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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260211- Calvin's ct bday outing. :3 i'm definately a professional at loving someone i ... a loving little panda. HBD GHEYBO'S. and wooot, go Sai. (; -insert pedo wink emote here- MAGICAL SUSHI. o: 8D originality pl0x. LG. life's ghey. DOLLARS BBS.

Thursday, March 3, 2011
10:17 PM
WHY WON'T MY GIF MOVE ? D:< well the minions bobs up and down and spazz when it actually does move. :p so just imagine it. :p

today. was. crazy. ;D
first of all, i didn't feel depressed at all this morning, in fact, i wasn't even listening to depressing songs. c:
i was listening to Stay - MBLAQ on repeat. i think i am addicted to that song. <3

anyway, lunch was epiccc.
we played volleyball again. as usual, i failed.
i actually hit the ball over the net today. i feel so, accomplished. 8D
yeah. me hitting the ball over the net. cool story, bro.

mr abey decided to check our work tomorrow. i am fucked. seriously.
but i cbb to catch up, so bleh. whatever.
talking about mr abey, i spammed his email.
i sent him my speech and he said he didn't receive it, so i sent it another 10 times. today he told me that when he opened it, there wasn't any words. so i sent it to him another 10 times. YOU BETTER GET IT THIS TIME. LOL.
and since i'm on the topic of mr abey. he saw erica raping rachelle at lunch today. extremely awkward. he just stared at us with this really weird face and i just stood there and waved at him. he gave me a thumbs up. LOL WHAT A PERV.

downloading sora no otoshimono now, if you want it, ask me at school. it is one of the epic-est animes evaaar. rewatching it.

AND OMGOMGOMG. i noticed i have this tall and skinny guy/girl attraction, kinda like a fetish. =w=
all my crushed are tall and skinny. and sai is 182 cm. and freaking skinny. (;
-insert pedo wink emote here-
i'm meeting him tomorrowww, vely excited. c:
i wanna hear his voice. he promised me a hug and pedo wink tmrw. so yeah, i shall see if i can take a photo with that secksy boi. ;3 bahahaha.

i think that is all for today. c:
byebyeeee. blog tmrw.

holy sheeet it's my 198th posttttt. :D
200th post soon. i shall make it speshul.
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