I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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wowww. 260211- Calvin's ct bday outing. :3 i'm definately a professional at loving someone i ... a loving little panda. HBD GHEYBO'S. and wooot, go Sai. (; -insert pedo wink emote here- MAGICAL SUSHI. o: 8D originality pl0x. LG. life's ghey.

Friday, March 4, 2011
10:17 PM
HAI GUYS. since it's my 199th post, i'm gonna post a really long post. =w=
my 200th post next, gonna be even longer. c:
here it goesss.

i'm gonna start with rebecca. (:
rebecca li. [click]

my sexy, pretty, osm, epic, crazy, retarded, alien biffle. c:

i met you when i was like 7 years old?
cause our parents were friends when they were in high school. now we're neighbours, mutual godsisters, best friends and freaks. hohoho. 8)
i'm so glad i met you, you made me the person i am today and i wouldn't know where i would be without you. :3
we have gone to ballet class together, went to art class together, chinese school, we've had one memorable sleepover, we watch dramas together, listen to music together, laugh at koreans singing fail english together and really, there's too much to list.
you've bought me a lot of joy and laughter. and i hope i have done the same. (':

you might not have noticed, but you've also bought me a lot of pain. but i promised i wouldn't talk about it again. so, la. :p

anyways, i'm really glad you are a part of my life and i hope that you will continue to be. have a happy life, kay ?

because someone like you deserves it. c:
ily lots. <3

so now, my school friends. :3 (in no particular order.)

shing jin.

my retarded anime freak.i met you in year 4 and we have been good friends ever since. (:
i rmbr when we used to spazz about fruits basket in year 5. 8)
oh and rmbr year 9 camp, you were like freaking me out cause i might go 360 on the giant swing. >__>
my sleepover, forcefully painting ananda's nails. :3

haha, we were are freaks.

ananda v.

my nerdy science study buddy. 8Di met you in year 5.
fortunately, we made it into sgghs together with shing, haha. (:
we used to take the train to school and last minute study/do hmwk. 8D

i rmbr jumping on your trampoline screaming "VINCENT!" ;D
water fights at your house and your freaky neighbour. {;

you are the epitome of gayness. (inside joke. :D)

kelly tsang. [click]

the only sane one in our group. (;

actually, mabye not. LOL.
we met in peer support group. and i rmbred you as the girl with the fuzzy hair (cause back then, you hadn't straightened your hair  yet.)
year 7 camp was so fun with you, rmbr making lights out of chip packets during the blackout? 8)
but most of all, i love playing the penis game with you. (;

ily. -hugs- ;D

thanks for being my yaoi supplier. c:
joyce kwan. [click]
yerh. 'nuff said. (;

you are spastic and crazy (most of the time.)
i found another side of you this year, and i'm glad i've been able to know you better. you've been there for me and i feel like i can talk to you about anything. (:
thanks for listening to me and making me laugh. :3

you're the only person i know that could make something like this happen-

me: FUCK YOU! o;<you: LOVE TO! -insert pedo emote-me: o__o;

ifckingloveyou. ;D

annie tan. [click]

my awesome kpop freak who is also an epic alien. (;we've grown a lot closer this year and last year. -winkwink- (;
last year we have done nothing at maths together, talked endlessly about kpop, shared awesome fanfics, danced retardedly to run devil run, laughed like lunatics at d.o.e, slept in undies and spazzed about kpop and 'sang' kpop songs. 8)
thanks for making me smileeee.
you btw, you have an amaazing voice. :3

erica xiang.
my sexy rapist bf who introduced me to yaoi. c:
hohoho. ;D
a few things we share in common;
- we both play maple
- we both play bankai
- we both play audition
- we both write fanfic
- we both watch yaoi
- we both love tyrant falls in love. (:

yaoi ftw ! :3

that was my year 8 group. :p
during year 9&10, our group has extended. o__o
shout outs to vicky, michelle, binna, sharon, tracy, rachelle, whitney, simone.

and i love you victoria for saving me the night before a science test. =w=

some more special frens. :3

rachelle yau. [click]
0h y3@h b@yB3hhh !!!~!~~~~~(*)(*@~ <3

thanks for making me laugh, you are one epic person and your blog is amazinggg. 
we freak out the night before the science test together and t@lK LyK d1$ t0g3Th3RR !!!~~~
s3xY tYMmmm !!!~%+#^]+[^\>~¥_!,'!!!!!!!!! ♥♥
0hY3@h B@yb3H !!!!!!!~~~~~****~*~~^~^~^~^~♥

christabel hoe. 
my sexy horny baby. (;

i loveee youuu, you so sexy. (;
pdhpe is so fun with you, we put chalk powder on our hands then slap each other's asss.
ohyeah. that's how we roll.
then we start touching each others' faces and hair, then i walk out of the gym looking like a geisha. kewl. <3

alex methal/jewel huang.
my awkward, lovely pretty baby. :3

you're always there when i need you. =w= 
so thanks for that, hun. 
and you give the beautiful-est hugs ever and i love you for that. c:

i think that is it. 
expect a longer post next time, cause it's my 200th post. gonna be a 200 things post. 8D
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