I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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/rapes the replay button. just another girl. HIATUS. cat.(: oshet. POKEMON BATTLE TOURNAMENTTTTT. >8D To my -dear- mother fucking parents. 11th April + 12th April. - City outing and Bwood+R... Hopes and Expectations. MAAAAY POOO SUUUUU TOOOOOO WEEEEEEEE. LULULULUL.

Friday, May 27, 2011
9:11 PM
haven't blogged for ten days. .__.
hehe. even though my tests are all over, i still have heaps of hmwk and assignments to do. :L
this weekend;

  • catch up on jap 
  • get started on my SRP. .__.
  • finish reading zee jane austen book (i don't think i'm going to.)
  • finish my IST flash music video
  • do my english homework
i believe our english student teacher is a slave driver. she gives us a booklet of homework every lesson or some kind of response thing to hand in. 

lunch times are getting more and more crazy at school. :]
florence li & erica make me laff so much. :3

hahah, train trips are crazyyyy. >8D
the other day we were talking about hobos and noodles and counting the number of raindrops and yeah. we are weird. 
and christabel also said "i like you down there." DON'T THINK DIRTY. SHE WAS TALKING ABOUT JESSICA STANDING ON THE STAIRS. cause jessica was shorter than her for once. =w=
i fucking love christabel. sorry, i felt the need to swear. i love her that much. (;
SHE'S SO FRIGGIN CUTE. LyK 0mGzZZz, w3 sHuuD m@k3 b@yBeHSss!~!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!1!!!!

i promise a 20 people i love post and a 50 facts about me soon. ^__^

i also just formatted my laptop again. back to good old windows xp. :]
downloading maplestory now. i shall start having no life again. 

this post is so random. o3o

you guys might have heard me talk about the retarded blondie tennis instructor last year. basically what happened; me and erica said that we'd rip his balls off. he heard us. woops.
he rmbr-ed us. he calls me midget. dat feg. 

&when he said "YES! the ball went right in!" (into the court.)
i started cracking up. and annie did too. then he looked at me weird and pedo-smiled. o3o;
like shet. he's creepy. and he asked us "have you girls gotten weirder?" 
&he stretches so weirdly. next time you see me at school, ask me to show you. LOOL. he was like full model posing. idk. he was touching his head and twisted his body and yeah. idk. ROLF. 

if you like comedy and anime, go wach beelzebub. it's frigging hilarious. 
if you like yaoi, go watch sekai ichi hastukoi. :3

BYE. :3
i shall post again soon. 
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