I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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(: /rapes the replay button. just another girl. HIATUS. cat.(: oshet. POKEMON BATTLE TOURNAMENTTTTT. >8D To my -dear- mother fucking parents. 11th April + 12th April. - City outing and Bwood+R... Hopes and Expectations.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011
12:46 AM
it's around 12:25 atm and i have finally finished my IST flash music video. the end was extremely rushed, i cbb so i just faded it all out. .__.
it's so time-consuming. D:<
but apart from that, i've had a lovely day. pretty much.

i woke up late this morning, i thought it was a sunday. i was going to start my SRP but i wake up 45mins late and i find out that the athletics carnival is cancelled and i have school instead. yay. .__.
i got to school 20mins late but luckily we had no teacher in IST so i got away without getting a late note. ^__^

maths was uber depressing. if you read my blog, you'll know that i pretty much have to get over 95% for the maths common. guess what i got.


i am freaking depressed. if i got this mark last year, i would've been so happy. but with this mark now and with my expectations so high, i hate my mark. i made such stupid mistakes, all of them were stupid mistakes. i somehow made root7 sqaured 49. .__.

on a happier note, recess and lunch was hectic today. :3
warning; sexual terms coming up. o:<
it involved booby slapping, ass slapping, rachelle making sexual comments, chasing (poor) florence li around the school, kelly's freshly squeezed milk ;], (poor) ananda getting violated, rhape and heaps and heaps of laughter. ^__^
&omg, kelly was chasing joyce and joyce was gonna climb over the table. someone knocked on the door so i went to open it and by that time, joyce was halfway across the table (she had her leg over it. ;D) and mr. seed came in. yeah, the creepy old einstein lookalike science teacher who's missing half a thumb walks in. &sees joyce with her leg over the table, like sexual position kinda thing. it was so freaking awesome. >:]
ahahahha. >:3

after that, tutor. omg. LOL. my maths tutor is such a retard. he is like a freaking genius in maths, but his english fails. like srsly. no offence. 

he said to my friend "your mark makes you look like a dumb." 
me and ananda just cracked up on the spot. i was bashing the table with my hands cause it was just thaaat funny. :D
yeah kurt, your grammar makes you look 'like a dumb.' 

oh yeah and christabel's card. ;D
she loved it so much and i'm so proud of myself for thinking so hard and coming up with something smart, so i'm gonna type it up now. ^__^

[drawings on the envelope; two cartoon-ish people. one was me, one was her. :D i accidently drew myself slightly bent. &i wrote "i'm not straight, haha, get it?" ;]]
- christabel;  
torchics are red, mudkips are blue, if you were a pokemon, i'd choose you. ;D 
i love you so hard bby.  
have a happy birthday my sexy girlfriend. <3
we've played the penis game together, crammed for tests together, stalked hawt guys together and ofc surprise sexy baby. ;] 
on your 69th bday we should meet up and totally have like...you know... we should have like...

a freaking tea party. :D 
geez, what else ? (;- florence. 

it took me ages to come up with that. o:
&her card made me smile so much i'm gonna type it up as well. :D

[pedo wink on the cover, two stick figures. "lol! i can finally draw 2 stick figures that are the same height! (Y) we ish da bald :)]

oh! my baby florence! 
-christabel throws out pokeball- GO FLORENCE! I CHOOSE YOU! 
ahem. i just want to do that :) N<3 
my fellow midget, i bow down to you. we have to follow tradition. you older than me :) but hey lovers don't need to bow to each other... 
-gets up + kisses + hugs- >///> ngaww you are so cute! >///> ♥ you ~ 
-gets up grabs + rapes-ohbby<3remember its not rape if you like it :) its hardcore surprise sex bby :) 
happy birthday midget! 
my fellow gamer :) i hope you like my prezzie :) i hope we will still be friends when we're 69 :) ohbby<3 
♥ you  
-kisses- >///> 
ily ♥ chrissie ♥ 190511 
p.s. midnight sex? leave your window open ;) i'm coming for you~


anywho, i'm glad that she loves it. &she's gonna stick it up on her wall and read it everynight before she goes to sleep. ^__^
heheh. i shall get started on my jap hmwk now. it's 12:45am. 

goodnight, sweet wet dreams everyone. (except for my innocent little rebecca, who thinks 'wet' dreams would be uncomfortable.) heheh, she's so kyoot. ^__^ 

[with you, it's becoming hard to tell whether i just want to stick with being friends or being lovers. i can't tell when you're joking and when you're being serious when you say things like that.]
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