I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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Nom. Pulse. Sparks. Heartquake. Hello. Wondering. Memorabilia. Cute. Meaning. Ohh.

Sunday, August 28, 2011
3:00 PM
Hey cuties. :3

So... since I'm too lazy to blog about KFC and think about all that annoying shit, I've decided to write/type a list of things I've given up on. In other words, hobbies I used to do, classes I used to attend, things I've tried to do, usernames/emails I used to have, etc. :)

Oh and before that, I have a few announcements to make. C:

  1. My blog is now officially one year and 4 days old. (I made this site 24th August last year.) Hooray~
    To my dear readers, thanks for supporting me. C: This blog has been there for me whenever I needed it, I ranted a lot. :3
    I've been through a lot since last year and this blog has helped me keep track of it. I'm going to be looking back at this when I'm older and thinking "Geez, I was so damn cool back then." Or not. ;') And thanks to this blog, a lot more people found out about my feelings, this includes confessions and all that. Even if this blog has led to me getting rejected, I'm glad I have it. ^__^ I've met a lot of cool readers and made some awesome internet friends. So yeah, thanks Blogger. :}
  2. Christabel and Kim made a blog. :D Welcome to my affies list guys. C: Support them by following and reading their blog? They are lovely lovely people. I'd tap them. ;) Their links are in my affies list. =w= Weeee, it moves. >8D
Ok, now onto the list.

I'm gonna start with usernames/emails I used to have. :') Oh gosh, this is so freaking embarrassing. >///<
  • The first email I ever owned was happy_gal1234@hotmail.com. My friend made that for me in year 4. .__. And the password was like sadude904 or something, don't worry. I think I changed it. o-o
  • Then it was pink_florey@hotmail.com. So, this is pretty unexpected but my favourite colour in primary school was pink. >__< 
  • Then I think it was florey.xo@hotmail.com. That's my current hotmail, I don't really use it though. There are over 400 unchecked emails on it... Now my main email is floreyxrawr@gmail.com. Don't stalk. :C
  • Usernames... I remember using movie_groovie904. Oh gawd. (904 was 9th of April, my birthday btw.)
  • floreypie904
  • My first username in MapleStory was... get ready... gurlygurl904. ...Fuck. 'Gurly'? >:l
  • Then I think it was stuff like xApplePie or something and er, OHYEAH x3Pixieee. :')
I think that's the end of that list... :l

Ok, onto hobbies I used to do. There are a lot. I've been trying a bit of everything. ;) This isn't in order btw.
  • /opens draw and looks around. Ok, so I see yarn. I used to knit.
  • There was this time where I made friendship braclets, I made 1.5, there's an unfinished one in here. o_o
  • I used to draw.
  • I used to scrapbook. o_o
  • I used to make jewellery, I still have heaps of beads and buttons and all that crap. 
  • Papercraft, I have this book from China where you cut out these nets of shapes, then you fold them up and stick them and make 3D shapes. o_o 
  • Wtf, I used to read. :l
  • Ok, so things I did electronically. You'll be able to find the links to most of these from my flavours page. (Click 'More?' next to my profile thing at the bottom of this page.) /looks through my folders on ze laptop. I used to write FanFiction, well I still do, but it's been a few months since I've updated.
  • I used to make KPOP misheard lyrics videos. (They are really really lame. :C)
  • It's taking me a long time to make the first episode of my MapleStory drama. ): (More like I'm not bothering...) I made the YouTube channel themesong 9 months ago... (WhisperToLove)
  • I also made the beginning of an MMV (MapleStory music video) like last year... too lazy to continue... >:l
  • I made a tumblr too, I didn't go on it much though. Then I just deleted it and decided not to get into it... I waste enough time on the Internet already.
  • Oh yeah, I tried learning Korean online. I managed to learn how to read and write it. Forgot it all by now. ):
  • I used to teach myself keyboard. Well er, play songs on the keyboard. I watch YouTube tutorials and sounded a few songs out. I still can't read music scores. It's sad. :C
Yeah... As you can see, I get distracted really easily... :l

Classes/lessons I used to attend:
  • I used to learn keyboard. I think I started in year 3. I played for around a year. I didn't want to practise, so I quit. ): I regret it now, I probably would've been up to grade 7/8 by now. :C
  • I used to go to Ballet/Jazz class, I think I was up to grade 4 or something. o_o (I did it until year 7.)
  • I used to attend Art class. It was so much fun. :') I remember Rebecca threw a rubber at the teacher. o_o
  • Chinese school was on and off. I started in year 3/4? I continued until year 6, then quit for two terms I think... Studying for the Selective during this time... =m= Continued after that, I went until last term. Quit this term 'cause I have to work. :p I was doing grade 7 though. o:
  • Oh, freaking swimming classes @ Olympic Park Aquatic Centre. /shivers.
Uhmmm, what else did I do... Ohyeh, things I used to collect: (This is gonna be interesting... ;))
  • Post stamps. C: I still have an envelope full of them~
  • Lanyards, as in the things you hang keys on. I have a tin full of them. o_o Including fake asian Hello Kitty ones. 8D
  • Stickers. :] I'll show you guys my sticker box one day. :p
  • TotalGirl magazines. I have around 2 years worth collected in a box. I bought them every single month. :l Oh and TotalGirl dairies. I have 3 of them. o3o;
  • The Dog plushies. 8) I have a box full of them~ 
  • I still collect plushies. :3
  • I collect posters. :)
  • Anime postcards too.
  • I've started collecting badges. :3
  • Oops, back to the topic. Ooh, I have a corner full of lolly containers. o_o
  • Business cards. 8D I used to take a card from every restaurant I went to. I have a whole stack of them now. :] I spot new prank calling victims. ;)
  • Spare buttons from new shirts. You know how when you buy shirts/jackets, they come with a spare button? Well, I have a box full of them. o-o
  • 3D Glasses. 8D I had around 15. I lost half of them at the Swimming Carnival (When we played Never Had I Ever- Stip version) LOL. I only have 8 left now. :C
  • Movie tickets. :) 
  • Train tickets. There's a growing stack in my wallet. My wallet's getting really hard to close. :C
  • I have a earphone/headphone collection. I used to have around 10, seriously. I gave around 4 pairs away, I lost 1 and 2 of them are broken. ;l 
  • Sea shells.
  • /saves the best until last. I used to collect... ROCKS! 8D Hell yerh, and I sprayed them with perfume and wash them so they smelt nice. I think my mum got rid of my collection last year. :C Yay, heaps of pet rocks. :}
Ok, I think this post is getting too long. Congratulations if you've managed to read it to the end. :l I bothered to type this out, but I didn't bother typing about KFC. I know, I'm strange. :)

If you decide to do something similar to this, leave a comment. :) I'd love to read it~

Now, I should really start my tutor homework. He's checking again tmrw and I have 5 weeks to catch up on. ;m;
Have a lovely day, dears. :}
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