I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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Wondering. Memorabilia. Cute. Meaning. Ohh. Darlings. Sekai. Darlings. A w a y . Life.

Saturday, August 20, 2011
12:12 AM
Hi there.

Just a short update, I haven't blogged properly in a while. Next Thursday (24th August) will be my blog's first year anniversary. :3
I looked back and read my first blog post ever [click here if you're interested.] (Coloured text, lame photos.), gee I was lame.
I'm still lame. o-o
Eat me.

Erm, anyway.

My brother decided to be a butthole and tell my maths tutor that I haven't done any maths homework since the term started. (At least he didn't know that I haven't done it since the 2 week of this year.. >:l)
But the creepy thing is, my tutor smiles while lecturing me. And he talks to me in this tiny voice. I'm (even more) scared of him now. ):

Rebecca's birthday!

Happy late birthday you lovely retard. :)

The card/poster/collage thing I made for Rebecca, it took me around 3 hours. o: It was a lot of fun though. :)

The quality of this photo is horrible, but I thought a photo of a flying dog pillow looks cool. 8D

Asian taro cake. :) It tasted like Strawberry Pocky. :3
Lalala, hope you have an amazing year, my dear 


Preordered my Animania tickets, going on Saturday and Sunday. ;)
Spent the rest of the night listening to ukelele/bass guitar/electric guitar/acoustic guitar covers. 
Amazing Electric guitar Nyan Cat cover? [click]
Cute Ukelele I'm Yours cover? [click]
That little korean kid is so cute, I wanna eat him with whipped cream. O:<

Oh yeah and Skype-d with Kevin, Gordon, Martin and Ryan for a looong time. All of them (except Ryan) have amazing guitar-playing skills. Yummy.
I swear to god, Ryan's techno music sounds like exercise music. o_o

I don't think anything important happened yesterday. Ooh, I downloaded 44 Vocaloid songs, does that count? :3

Friday, Friday, Gotta get down... I'll stop. >:l

Hehehehe, Kevin called me during lunch today, and I just happened to be saying "Ohyeh bby, sexually." and Mrs Conroy walks past me and gives me this weird look. Hrmmm.

Went to Ananda's place after school, her house is a dump. Literally. :l
After that, went to Costco. I had so much fun. O: Everything is so cheappp. *u*
&In Costco, they either sell things in a much larger size or they sell it in packs of 3 or more. I got a slice of pizza the size of our school laptop screen for 2.99$ ohwait, I think the pizza was slighter bigger... And they sell 18 inch pizzas for 15$. They don't taste too bad as well.

It was hilarious to see my asian mum discussing with some other fobby mum about which pack of toilet paper would be cheaper. o_o
Get ready for fail Canto pinyin. ;3
Mum: Wey, yee gor how ji hay peeng di ah. (Hello, this toilet paper seems to be cheaper.)Other mum: Oh, hai woh. Dan hai yi gor yow 60 gor 'rolls' la. (Oh yeah, but that one has 60 rolls.)Mum: Mmm. Yi dee ji gun how ji hoow di woh. (Mmm, these tissues seem to be thicker.)
Hahaha, I had so much fun listening to their conversation. ;3

Oh and I'm contemplating whether or not I should get the Nikon L120. Suggestions? I'm thinking of getting a new camera, but I want one that looks pro, but not as expensive as a DSLR. 

Oh and talking about cameras, my dad found his old DSLR;
The problem with it is it still uses film. The camera's over 20 years old. o_o
It looks nice though. =w=

Anyway, I shall be finishing this off, time to crawl into bed and read yaoi. :3

// edit;
Hello Lisa, I just read your blogpost.
My plans for this weekend:

  • Work on Saturday, I need to save up for a lot of things. >;l
  • Maths tutor homework. OTL
  • Make Rachel a birthday card
  • English Homework
  • Buy a ukelele
  • Skype
  • Find a new camera to buy
  • Find a formal dress soon [?]
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