I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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Heartquake. Hello. Wondering. Memorabilia. Cute. Meaning. Ohh. Darlings. Sekai. Darlings.

Thursday, August 25, 2011
5:04 PM
Hi cuties. :)

The SRC week has been lovely so far. The talent quest was especially lovely yesterday. Year 10 2011 may be the only year that hasn't received awards for High Distinction, but we're definitely the most crazy and creative year. ;)

Joyce Kwan is a retard. <3
She screamed "PEEEEEENISSSSSSSSSSSSSS" really loud into my mobile twice while I was talking to Kevin during lunch. ;m;
Everyone was staring. o__o
Oh and Erica wants to divorce, she says I'm cheating on her with Kevin. OTL

School felt like the holidays yesterday. :]
Mr Marussich was screaming at these juniors during science yesterday, she literally ran off with a horrified face. We all laughed at her. Hoh.
Mrs. James wasn't here for the first period of IST, so yeah, free time. 8D
Assembly went on for what felt like houuuuuuuuurssss. But we got to skip PDHPE and we had like 10mins of Geography left. C:
English was short too. ;3

The talent quest at lunch was so much fun, my throat hurt so much. SMP pulling their pants down, Mr. Abbey in a purple silky bathrobe going "0hm@gawD, Dii$ iZ gReATtt!~~!~!!1!!", that amazing SHINee Lucifer dance<3, Harry Potter in 99 seconds, Mr Davis playing the cow bells. Our school is so crazy. :')

We also skipped half of maths, not that I do much in maths anyway. :')

It was mufti day today, (almost) everyone looked amazing. ;3
The train was half-empty when I went to Redfern this morning, highly suspicious.

We also had the Shakespeare Macbeth play thing today. I must say, a drunk Russian Lady Macbeth and a Scottish cheerleader Macbeth appeal to me a lot. The narrator guy was also really attractive. o///o

Oh and I promised myself that I would spend at least 1 hour everyday studying/doing homework/reading. It hasn't happened yet. .__.
I've been too lazy to edit&upload photos. Hohhoh.

Someone has been making me really frustrated and annoyed these days. I hope she will learn to respect others and shut up about herself.

Have a lovely day, dears.
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