I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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Heart. Lace. Mania. Carrot. Rage. Friends. Shock. Possibilities. Tonight. Smiles.

Thursday, September 22, 2011
10:38 PM
Hello dears. :)
I finally decided to post about Canberra. :3 It was an amazing experience, even though there were times where I almost fell asleep. :l
Hopefully I still remember everything that happened~ Enjoy. :3

Ok, so Day 1. Woke up pretty early and I remember freezing my ass off on the way there. Luckily, I had my TOFU ARM WARMER. 8D It was this square shaped tofu thing and it had a huge hole in the middle so I could shove my hand through. I remember everyone was touching Aileen [insert pedo wink] cause she was so hot. [licks lips. LOLOL.] As in warm, her neck felt so warm LOLOL. =w=

Anyway, we left for the 4 hour (?) trip to Canberra. When we got there, we visited some voting place and learnt all about voting and blah. WE STALKED TEACHERS ON THE REGISTRATION THING. 8D They have records of all the people that were registered to vote and their addresses, etc. I remember stalking Mr. Abbey. 3 Todman Avenue, (forgot the suburb... o_o). Eheheh.
We went to the National Museum of Canberra. It was pretty boring, except our group ran around and took photos in the rain. :3

We went to the High Court after that. Joycie was being all excited and hypo cause she's really interested in law. She freaked out when we went into the courtroom and saw the Justices ehehhe. Good luck, I'm sure with your enthusiasm, you'll be able to do law. C:

Went back to our 'resort' after that. Be jelly of our cabin, we had a fully functioning kitchen. ;) Plus, we had two rooms, aircon, a sexy bathroom and a freaking kettle. 8D I also found an iron and ironing board in the cupboard. :3 

Dinner was shit. I hated the food there. >:C

Bleh, we got changed and left for Laser Tag. 8D It was pretty fun, except that laser tag place was pretty shit. >:l Me and Erica played DDR, even though we weren't that good, everyone was cheering for us. 8D It was nice. :3 But it was funny watching Michelle Lee fail. LOLOLO. (Don't tell her I said that. o-o)

We went back to our cabins, and that's when me, Erica and Joyce started acting drunk.. 8{D
We pretty much started (sorry, it's too inappropriate to share here. =w=). IT WAS HILARIOUSSSSSS. 8D We pushed Ananda and Shing's bed together and Joyce was lying in the middle of the two beds. THEN SHE FELL IN. LOLOLOL. She couldn't get up cause she was laughing so hard. :')

We settled down after showering and played cards and Never had I ever- Strip. Me and Erica died in the heat, idk how many layers I wore... >:l We watched Disney Channel after that and ate Instant Noodles, seaweed and more foooood. 8D

Ananda went to sleep early. >:l She normally sleeps at 9:30. Woah. 
And so me, Shing, Erica and Joyce talked. :) We talked about life and love and school. It was lovely. Shing and Joyce went to sleep at around 12:30, leaving me and Erica waiting for morning to come. :3
We played more cards and that aeroplane chess game. 8D (canto: fei hung kei) 
At around 2, we decided to cook Erica's instant udon. It was so cool, it had so many different packets of sauce and seaweed and stoof. But then... Erica spilt the sauce all over her shirt. >:l So we washed it.. and ironed it. o_o
So in our room at 2:30, you'll see Erica and Florence ironing clothes during Year 10 camp. That is not weird at all. ^__^
Haha, then we cleaned up. I started wiping everything down, cleaning all the dishes while Erica tidied the room and ironed her socks. LOLOL. It was so much fun, it felt like we were housewives. o3o;

We finished everything at around 3 and Erica needed to go pee. The bathroom was unfortunately in Shing's room... >;l
So Erica opened the door, and the first thing you hear; Shing going "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND TURN OFF THE LIGHT SHUT THE FUCK UP AND TURN OFF THE LIGHT" x928374928734 times. >;l
It was pretty scary actually. o3o; Note: never interrupt Shing's sleep. Hhahha.

Me and Erica watched more tv. And at around 5, we slowing drifted off to sleep. LOLnotrly, more like we passed out. >;l
We woke up at 6 with Joyce sleeping next to Erica o_o and we found Erica's glasses broken... She fell asleep on them and crushed them. o;< We went back to sleep... >;l
Rachelle's cabin came charging in at 7:30.. We had to ninja-ly get ready for breakfast and pack in like 15mins. o:
We got to breakfast so late that I only had 2 sausages and a piece of toast for breakfast.... >;l Some selfish bitch decided to eat 7 hashbrowns and 5 sausages, then brag her fucking head off about it. Geez woman, I didn't even know there were hashbrowns... 

After raging, we went to a lookout on some mountain. 8D The view was quite nice, but I was too sleepy/cold to fully appreciate it. We went to the Parliament house after that (I think). That was pretty boring... >;l
Ooh, then we had lunch. It was a shitty wrap with fake chicken that tasted like ham in it... >:C
War memorial after that. It was quite interesting and sad at the same time. Rest in Peace for all who were negatively affected by death from the war.

I think we went home after that. :3
The bus trip home was pretty interesting... ;)
We talked... a lot. =w=

Canberra was lovely, but I'm not sure if I'd go back. LOLOL. It was pretty boring at times... >;l
I think I had most fun when our group was in our cabin going crazy. /Nods wisely. 8{D

Anyway, hope you had fun reading this mega long blogpost. :l
Tomorrow is the last day of Term 3. I shall be getting 1$ cheeseburgers with my group after school. ^__^

Have a nice night/next day cuties. :3

EHEHHEHEH, anyone notice anything strange about this photo? ;)

Bondage. Since the whateveryearitwas. 8D

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