I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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Capital. Heart. Lace. Mania. Carrot. Rage. Friends. Shock. Possibilities. Tonight.

Monday, September 26, 2011
12:52 AM
Hi dears. :)
Today has been lovely. :3
I shall start from Friday.

Oh and btw, I have decided to do the blog challenges on days where I have nothing to blog about. So I'll be blogging everyday. Either doing a blog challenge or blogging about my life. o:


It was the last day of term 3. o:
I took my camera to school and I just happened to read some nice graffiti. :3
I like how strangers can make me smile. :) 
School finished early and me, Shing and Ananda went to Maccas, I had 1$ cheeseburgers. 8D
It was so damn hot, 32 degrees... I got home and took a cold shower. Got my summer pjs out. :3 My brother got home and I decided to cook some soba for us. I know I'm easily entertained... the noodles were boiling and it made this really cool donut shape. I just had to take a photo. =w=
By 6pm, the temperature had dropped to 13 degrees. Mrs. Temperature, please stop PMS-ing. :c

My mum found her old formal dresses. The red one is the one she wore to her wedding dinner party. :)
She told me to try it on and I did. Surprisingly, they fitted me almost perfectly. The red one is actually floor length, but I really liked the back of it. :3
The black one was actually almost floor length as well, except I rolled it up. I think shorter dresses look nicer on me since I'm short and I have short legs. =w=
I'm not sure if I'm going to wear any of those dresses, but I'll keep looking around. I actually want a white dress that goes above my knees. If I can't find one I like, I'll decided which one of my mother's dresses I'll wear. :) I still need to get shoes. o: 

My Sunday was really good. :)
I woke up at 10 and lurked in my bed for a while. Ehhhe.
I got up and our family went to "mm hoh seck" (it sounds like 'doesn't taste nice' in canto) ehheh, it's such a cool name for a restaurant. 8D
We had lunch, I had lots of rice. :)
My parents went to buy groceries after that, my brother and I stayed in the car. Ehehhehe, so... we were carrying this huuuuge Bunnings umbrella that I had to close before I got into the car. I swear it was almost impossible to close, it didn't lock shut. :C I was standing outside in the rain trying to close it. D:<
My brother was inside the car and tried to come out; he pressed something weird on the car key remote thing and set the alarm off. LOLOL.The car starting beeping for a while...
We tried to close it and somehow, he did... >:l
We got back in the car and the windows were all foggy. 8D Drawing timeee! We had so much fun drawing penises everywhere. o__o
Hoho. We saw our mother and father walking back and hardcore rubbed the windows. Ehehhe, it was so hectic. 8D

We went to Harvey Norman after that, I played around with some laptops for a long time. :p
I manage to come home with a new HP Pavilion laptop PC. /Mega happy. 8D
I'm in love with it. :3

Skyped with Erica for a while. We had a loooooooooong talk about our hectic lives. I agree with you, Rachelle, Erica should make a drama of her life, it's that dramatic. :l
Skyped with Calvin too, he's all the way in Peru. 8D
I hope Rebecca and him are having/will continue to have an amazing holiday. :3
Even though I'm happy to be home, I wanna go on holiday at the same time. ^__^

Around an hour ago, I discovered the webcam effects. More spastic photos will be up soon. :)

I love the weather on Sunday, it was perfect to me. :3
Anyway, I have work in less than 11 hours, I should go to bed. I'll probably spend a few more hours on youtube though. =w=

Ehehhehe. Have a lovely holidays, cuties. :3
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