I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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i lovehate school. (: /rapes the replay button. just another girl. HIATUS. cat.(: oshet. POKEMON BATTLE TOURNAMENTTTTT. >8D To my -dear- mother fucking parents. 11th April + 12th April. - City outing and Bwood+R...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011
10:56 PM
stolen from lisa. [click] ^__^
if you're reading this, thanks lisa for linking people to my blog btw. <3

twenty things.
1. height: around 150cm. o:
2. shoe size: 3-4.
3. sexual orientation: i'm bisexual. o3o i bet a few of you didn't know that. ;3
4. do you smoke? no.
5. do you drink? tastes bad.
6. do you take drugs? mhmmm. panadal and dimetapp all the way. ^__^
7. age you get mistaken for: i seem immature in front of my friends. if you don't know me, i seem mature. :3
8. have tattoos? no.
9. want any tattoos? mhmm.
10. got any piercings? ear holes are closing up.
11. want any piercings? gonna re-pierce them with rebecca and hopefully get some more on my left ear.
12. best friend? rebecca li, christabel hoe, erica xiang, shing jin, kelly tsang, annie tan, joyce kwan, &the list goes on, basically our whole group at school. ;]
13. relationship status: married. i'm cheating on erica, cause christabel's my girlfriend. ^__^
14. a turn on: tall, skinny, long-ish hair, glasses, piercings on the left ear.
15. an embarrassing story: there's too many. .__.
16. favourite movie: hachiko: a dog's tale is freaking amazing. but there's more. antique bakery for those who don't mind gay action. o3o
17. i’ll love you if: you can make me smile. C:
18. someone you miss: christabel hoe. even though i saw her 7 hours ago.
19. most traumatic experience: don't want to remember.
20. a fact about your personality: i will be quiet, but if you know me, i will be crazy. 

that is all. ^__^

i only did this to let my dear blog readers know that i'm alive. i have recently discovered that my photo editor works on my school laptop which means blogging more often and more photos. ;]
i have heaps of photos from friday and saturday, so look forward to them ? (:

lunch time today was crazy, but i think if i posted what happened here, tmi. so i'll just say that i love ananda, joyce and rachelle &violating ananda is funfunfun. ananda is freaking hilarious. &if you see her, please do me a favour and call her 'cute', cause she gets insulted by that. LOLOLOL. :']

i shall blog soon. bye cuties. :')
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