I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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toys. first impressions. should i confess? feelings. happy birthday, lise-argh. ♥ ESS ARR PEE. >:C 20 things. +short update. i lovehate school. (: /rapes the replay button.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011
1:24 AM
all the tests are overrr. C: for this term...
i'm ecstatic. i don't need to spend until 5am studying anymore, i can spend that time watching yaoi, or reading fanfiction or idk. anything other than being acedemically productive. ^__^


oh and if you have time, read joyce's blog post. [click]
it is amazing.


subject selection:
i am going to drown. ):
my dad still wants me to do economics/business studies/legal studies. my mum said i could do anything i want as long as i work hard. but, the subjects i want to do only add up to 9 units. (ext. 1 maths, adv. english, IPT, jap.) i really dislike physics, but i probably have to do it, so yeah. i'm not sure.

so for my last 3 units, i either pick physics, photography, visual design, or economics or something. idk. :l
asfgh. idk what i want to do. actually, i kinda wanna do food tech. it was heaps of fun. o: owaijfeowiefj. idk. :c


i am currently obsessed with the song on my blog. but, i don't know the name of it. so in my itunes library, i just named it 'more depressing'. this song was named 'depressing'. it makes me teary and smile at the same time. it is quite amazing. C: it also makes me think of a particular person who always seems to be on my mind these days. i do not think it will work out.

anyway, the song is part of the OST from the shounen-ai anime "sekai-ichi hatsukoi." if you don't mind light guyxguy action, then i strongly recommend it, it has such a cute and sweet storyline. i watched the last episode of the 1st season last night. i got teary, cried, smiled and laughed. i love it so much<3.


if you guys have read my older post, you would have seen my lovely black fish. :3
the one that got stuck between the pipe and the wall ? o:

well, it's dying. :c
i'm sad. it was one of the only fish that i had liked, apart from mr. suckanoodle, but he died too. D:
it's going white and it wouldn't move it's tail and mouth much, it's breathes only a tiny bit and really slow. ;m;
nuuu. </3


to someone:

you are making me feel really happy and depressed at the same time. i do not know when you are being serious and when you are joking. am i your special someone ? or do you say and do those things to everyone else as well ? the things you say and do make me smile heaps, but when i see the way you treat your other friends, i'm not so sure anymore. maybe i'm just another one of your friends.
but to me- you are so much more.


to another someone:

you talked to me for the first time in a few months. we used to be really close and you told someone that you liked me. but then, we stopped talking and we slowly drifted apart.

you talk to me for the first time in a while. we talked about life and romance. it was quite lovely. :)
i miss you heaps. we should talk like this more often.


i'm sorry, this blogpost is again, all over the place. i'm feeling quite melancholy now, listening to love songs make me depressed, yet i can't seem to stop listening to them. x:

have a lovely tuesday. i shall watch yaoi until i fall asleep on my ipod. (this has happened many times. x: i keep falling asleep while my earphones are still in my ear and my ipod often ends up behind my back/under my butt. :l)

asfghjkkl;. i'm sorry, i'm going weird even more weird. 
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