I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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happy birthday, lise-argh. ♥ ESS ARR PEE. >:C 20 things. +short update. i lovehate school. (: /rapes the replay button. just another girl. HIATUS. cat.(: oshet.

Monday, June 20, 2011
9:23 PM

you wait until i walk out of class, you smile at me and hold my hand. we walk down the hallway together, talking about.. stuff. just talking. it's comfortable. you give me a hug. we continue walking.

you ask if i'm sick. i reply with a 'yes'. you feel my forehead and tell me to get better soon. 

it's funny how simple things like this make me fall harder and harder for you.

what if this is love ? 
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