I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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first impressions. should i confess? feelings. happy birthday, lise-argh. ♥ ESS ARR PEE. >:C 20 things. +short update. i lovehate school. (: /rapes the replay button. just another girl.

Sunday, June 26, 2011
12:56 PM
hello cuties. :]

last night, i was tidying my cupboard and i found some of the toys i used to play with when i was younger. (:
i decided to give them photoshoots, heheh. :3
these are just like 20% of the toys i used to have. o:
there are two more garbage bags full of them in the garage. :l
i don't wanna throw them out. :C

click the photos to enlarge. ;p

all the toys i found last night. (: yes, i have 2 u-kiss posters. C:

omggg, my finger puppets from ikea. :3 my brother has short fingers. C:

woooo, fatass pikachus.

hehehhe, my neopets from mcdonalds a long time ago. o:

hong kong disneyland. C:

i don't rmbr where this was from, but his name is steven. o:

my 'The Dog' collection. ^___^

tissue and snowflake. C: they are so effing cute. :] they are actually the size of 50c coins. 


i named this dog after my primary school teacher. C: mr. kirby. i told him and he said " should i be honoured ? " hehe.

i love that rabbit bear thing. C:

HAMSTERSSS. omg hamtaro. i used love watch that everyday. ^___^

this sexy donkey is jerry. C: i bought him at my first city outing without my mum. :] you can pick his nose cause his nostrils are holey. :3

the dog on the left shakes when you pull the string, the dog in the right barks when you squish it's stomach.

the corner of my room for now. C: there are still 3 big posters under my bed that i haven't been bothered to put up yet.
i found fluffy scarves. o:

also, my dad decided to get some more fish. we have this strange black fish that likes to get itself stuck between the pipe and the wall. it stays there for hours and no, it's not accidently stuck cause it swims out easily and decides to get itself stuck in again. o__o unless it's really stupid or something. idk.

i feel so sick right now, even though i pretty much just woke up from 12 hours sleep. wow. i do not rmbr when the last time i slept half a day was. i feel horrible; blocked nose, watery eyes, crappy voice, tiredness. i had some kinda allergic reaction last night to whoknowswhat. my eye went all red and swollen but it wasn't itchy. my brother believed that i was allergic to steam cause i was using steam in a cup to unblock my nose and we had steamed hot pot that night (dar been lou- canto).

he is strange.
people are strange. hm. :l

we had chinese school yesterday, it was the last lesson of the term so our chink school had our usual 'last week of chink school party'. C:
guess what ? me, ricky, calvin and antboy ran out of school an hour early. we skipped the party. ;p
we seem to do that every term, it's hilarious. last year, i pretended that my ipod was a phone and fake called my mum. hahah, our teacher believed us. :')
this year, our plan was to run. LOL. just leg it. ;D
"OHSHIT. i hear a teacher calling us."
"i swear all the teachers were staring at us."
it was so fun. LOLOL.

after lunch, i played handball with ricky, martin and antboy. ricky&martin are so friggin cute. :3

year 10 has their english exam tomorrow. good luck to all. i do not think i'm going to do well at all.
cause i haven't even read the book yet and i don't plan to. :l
hahhaha. i feel too sick to read. i do not see i'm gonna feel well tomorrow, i got 12 hours sleep today and i feel crap, i get 6 hours sleep tomorrow. HOW WILL I FEEL ? D:

also, there's subject selection. my dad wants me to do economics and business studies. i hate commerce. i quit it after 2 lessons cause i had ms. field. boring subject + boring teacher = hating commerce. :l
i wanna do photography and visual design even though they are just fillers. but it sounds like fun. o:

i'm sorry, this post is all over the place.
anyway. i'm going to spend my sunday watching the sense + sensibility movie, watching that taiwanese drama 'down with love' or '就想賴著妳' that calvin told me to watch.
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