I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.
— Unknown.
Hello there. I'm Florence and I'm 16. I currently reside in Sydney. Rain makes me happy. Photos of the sky are dreamy. Hugs are lovely. Love is amazing. Scented candles keep me sane. Mangoes are delicious. So are korean boys. ;)
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ESS ARR PEE. >:C 20 things. +short update. i lovehate school. (: /rapes the replay button. just another girl. HIATUS. cat.(: oshet. POKEMON BATTLE TOURNAMENTTTTT. >8D

Sunday, June 19, 2011
9:33 PM
hello cuties. (:

today is lisa's birthday. C:
click [here] for her blog.
happy birthday, you amazing person. 
even though i don't really talk to you much in person, i stalk your blog and your photos, &i can already tell you are one awesome person. ;]
i remember someone thing about 'mr. bulb.' and i still remember your old blog name that you have written on your bag with liquid paper. :3
we used to sit on the same row in maths last year with mr. moncrieff. :D

anyway, i hope you enjoy your 15th year of life and the rest of it too. o:

also, happy birthday to rachelle's sister, whom i have not met yet. o:


anyway, i shall re-tell the events that occurred since i last posted. :l

SRP was due that day. i spent the morning doing my SRP and eventually finished at around 2:45am. i was on youtube until 4, then crawled into bed and watch videos on youtube on my ipod until i fell alseep at 5. i was actually planning to pull an all-nighter, but ryan forced me to sleep and my bed was too nice and comfy to neglect my sleep, so yes. i got an hour sleep. pretty pointless.
that day, i went crazy at school, i felt high the entire day. strange. shing, who got 3 hours sleep felt dead, i, who got 1 hour sleep felt energised. hm.
when i got home, i decided that i would not be doing anymore work, so i went to sleep at 10.
10 o'clock.
i haven't slept that early since around year 7. it felt amazing. i got 8 hours sleep. the world is going to end.

simone and angela's bday party celebration thing. :3
we had two cakes. hoho.
i boobyslap-ed kelly. hoho.
the rest is tmi. C:

.. hoho.

i'm starting to hate time at home. it's mostly arguments.
that night, my mum threw my ipod on the floor. she got really pissed off that night. i swear it was pms.
so i was sync-ing songs onto my ipod when she came in.
mum: go brush your teeth.
me: just waittttt... 2 more minutes.
mum: NO. NOW.
mum: /grabs ipod cable and pulls it off. i'm gonna chuck this and break it. i really will. believe me?
me: erm. yeah. i believe you.
mum: GO. NOW.
mum: NO.
me: /slams laptop lid down.
mum: /slams ipod down.
both: /storms out of the room.

hm. i'm starting to hate her. my body is also being bitchy i have been extremely sick.

chinese school test that day. rebecca, calvin and i did the same as always. actually, our whole class.
we be professional cheaters. ^__^
our chinese school is extremely bludgey, unlike the hardcore one in kogarah, where they have to write hardcore chink essays, we just have to use our chinese dictionaries to ace the test. all good. :D

finished 'Ao no Exorcist' up to episode 9. it is very good. i recommend it.

i blew my nose so hard (with a tissue, in case that sounded weird. o__o) and so many times that it had turned red and it hurts. the tissues are also starting to feel like i'm wiping cardboard on my nose. ouchies.

my mum has told me to write a list of things that our family needs to change. she wrote a list of things i need to change. she wrote "do not be weird." hm. thanks mum. i love you too...

the whole day was spent facebook-ing and trying to download eden eternal. this error keeps popping up.

if anyone knows how to fix this, it would be amazing. thank you. :]

my left nostril decided to be blocked. then, it suddenly un-blocked and my right nostril blocked. how strange. o:

my post sounds really dead today, i'm sorry.

oh, one more thing. i have made another big mistake. i have now caused an argument between two people i really love. and now someone else has to deal with it. i'm really sorry. and to ___, i'm sure you'll be able to cheer her up, and she's only worried about that cause she loves you. ;l

wait, one more thing, rebecca came over today. she brought an extremely attractive girl with her. her name is lady macbeth. she has lovely blonde hair. :3 here is a lovely photo of her;

hahah, yes. that is a guy. his name is calvin. he normally looks like this;

the guy on the left with the sprite on his head.
yes, an amazing transformation. C:

yes, i think that is all for now. goodbye, darlings.
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